VEHUB4YOU -Virtuālā apmaiņa augstākās izglītības un jaunatnes jomā (Erasmus+)
Projekta nosaukums: Erasmus + Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth “Virtual Youth Business Hubs International Network”/ VEHUB4YOU
Līguma numurs: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-VIRT-EXCH-NDICI 101083856
Ilgums: 02/2023-02/2026
Projekta partneri: Biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskola “RISEBA” Latvija, UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FOGGIA “UNIFG” Itālija, KYIV National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD) Ukraina, Institute of Social and Economic Initiatives (ISEI) Ukraina, Mingachevir State University (MSU) Azerbaidžāna, Kyiv Education, Training and Youth Centre (KETY), Ukraina.
Projekta apraksts
The VEHUB4YOU project focuses on business knowledge’s transfer from EU to young people of Eastern partners countries (13 to 30 years) by virtual exchanges technologies. As part of Goal 9 EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 “Space and participation for all” consortium members will undertake common efforts for organizing a network of international virtual business hubs and teaching of doing business for high school pupils, college students and university students of both economic and non-economic specialties by creating VIRTUAL YOUTH BUSSINESS HUBS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK which includes 60 virtual international business hubs at schools, universities and rural libraries in Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
The VEHUB4YOU project is expected improve the quality of business education by providing access to modern European education; at the organizational level promoting entrepreneurial learning and on the level of individual project participants is expected to get the skills of planning for a business, marketing the products and obtaining the instruments to create their own business. It is expected upgrading school, college and university educational programs in accordance with new trends on virtual learning and raising the efficiency of virtual education.
European universities, with the help of universities and youth organizations in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, will share their business courses and experience of teachers with the youth of the Eastern Partnership countries. As a result, 2500 representatives from 60 hubs and 250 facilitators from Eastern partners countries will take part in the project, 220 participants from other specified regions will be involved as well (Southern Neighborhood and Sub Saharan Africa).
Projekta mērķi
The objectives of VEHUB4YOU are in line with the main objective of the Erasmus+ Program, namely:
- encouraging intercultural dialogue with third countries not related to the Program through online interactions between people based on digital technologies;
- promoting different types of virtual exchanges as a complement to Erasmus+ physical mobility, which will allow more young people to benefit from intercultural and international experiences;
- promoting the development of digital and soft skills of students, young people and youth workers, including foreign language practice and teamwork, in particular to increase employment;
- strengthening the youth dimension in the EU’s relations with third countries.
The project is planned to involve schoolchildren, lyceums, teachers of schools and lyceums, college students, universities, university professors, young people who do not study in higher education and business representatives. The promotion of VEHUB4YOU, the realization of the selected goals is related to the achievement of the goal and objectives of the Erasmus+ Program. Thus, the Action is a step towards achieving the overall goals set by the Program to improve and modernize education, training and youth systems. The action develops the Erasmus+ Program, which, in turn, supports the promising idea of expanding the European educational area beyond its borders, promoting existing EU instruments and initiatives. It also supports the implementation of EU international policy.
VEHUB4YOU mājas lapa
No 2023. gada 16. līdz 20. jūnijam Itālijā, Viestē, Zane Raščevska un Anna Ragaine piedalījās pirmajā projekta seminārā “Innovations in Virtual Exchange: Facilitator Training and Organization of Virtual Exchanges”. RISEBA vārdā sniedzot ieguldījumu, daloties zināšanās par labāko inovāciju praksi virtuālās izglītības un apmaiņas jomā. Šo semināru organizēja Fogijas Universitāte, un tas notika kopā ar dalībniekiem no Itālijas, Ukrainas un Azerbaidžānas universitātēm.
VEHUB4YOU projekts ir vērsts uz biznesa zināšanu nodošanu no ES Austrumu partnervalstu jauniešiem (no 13 līdz 30 gadiem), izmantojot virtuālās apmaiņas tehnoloģijas. ES Jaunatnes stratēģijas 2019.-2027. gadam 9. mērķa “Telpa un līdzdalība visiem” ietvaros konsorcija dalībnieki veiks kopīgus centienus, lai organizētu starptautisko virtuālo biznesa centru tīklu un mācītu uzņēmējdarbību gan ekonomisko, gan cita veida specialitāšu vidusskolēniem, koledžu studentiem un augstskolu studentiem, izveidojot VIRTUAL YOUTH BUSINESS HUBS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, kurā ietilpst 60 virtuālie starptautiskie biznesa centri skolās, universitātēs un lauku bibliotēkās Ukrainā un Azerbaidžānā. Eiropas universitātes ar Ukrainas un Azerbaidžānas universitāšu un jaunatnes organizāciju palīdzību dalīsies savos biznesa kursos un pasniedzēju pieredzē ar Austrumu partnerības valstu jauniešiem.
Rezultātā projektā piedalīsies 2500 pārstāvji no 60 centriem un 250 koordinatori no Austrumu partnerības valstīm, kā arī 220 dalībnieki no citiem norādītajiem reģioniem (dienvidu kaimiņvalstīm un Subsahāras Āfrikas).