Projekta nosaukums: Erasmus+ KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education OUR VOICE. 2024-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-000253877
Līguma numurs: līgums tiek slēgts
Kopējais projekta budžets: 250`000,00 EUR
Projekta partneri: RISEBA (Latvija), DIGITALSET (Īrija), KLARAV (Zviedrija), GAZI (Turcija), SFS (Islande)
Projekta mērķis:
- Increase awareness of how the democratic societies in each partner country & the European Union have developed to become what they are today & the challenges currently facing us (Priority 1)
- Broaden horizons perspectives of other European countries & increase awareness of the added-value of the EU & European citizenship (Priority 1)
- Promote & open up the use of digital audio, visual and communication technological opportunities to a wide range of target groups & those disadvantaged backgrounds, thereby contributing to social inclusion (Priority 2)
- Develop the knowledge of educators in their work with learners (Priority 3)
- Increase environmental awareness by focussing on digital preparatory materials & green practices for eco-friendly lives
Sasniedzamie rezultāti:
- Design multi-access pedagogical learning resources to facilitate the understanding of the value of democratic society & the European Union (R1)
- Design a pedagogical methodology for educators for using multi-access pedagogical resources with VET learners (Priority 1) (R1)
- Make full use of all up to date mobile, audio, & visual digital technologies to upskill key digital competences & facilitate hybrid exchanges between young people of different countries (Priorities 2 & 3) (R1, R2)
- Improve the key competences of citizenship & cultural awareness and expression to encourage young people from all sectors to make their voices heard in the democratic process at local, regional, national & European levels (Priority 3) (R2)