RISEBA konferences 2024. gadā

FutureScape 2024 is a pioneering virtual conference that brings together esteemed professionals and academics from several countries. This event focuses on exploring sustainable development within societies through the lens of digital transformation, green economy challenges, AI in education, and labour market dynamics. Our keynote speakers and round-table experts will delve into these critical areas, offering insights and fostering cross-national dialogues.

Conference plan

Key Topic 1: Digital Transformation and Leadership for Sustainable Societies

This session explores how digital transformation is reshaping leadership paradigms in the pursuit of sustainable societies. Keynote speakers will discuss the evolving role of digital leadership, emphasizing the need for leaders to adapt to technological advancements while maintaining a focus on sustainable practices. The session will highlight successful case studies where digital leadership has facilitated significant societal changes.

Key Topic 2: Challenges in the Green Economy

This segment addresses the current challenges and issues within the green economy. Experts will present on the economic and environmental impacts of transitioning to green technologies, the role of policy in supporting green initiatives, and the hurdles faced in implementing sustainable practices. The session aims to comprehensively understand the green economy’s complexities and potential solutions.

Key Topic 3: AI’s Role in Shaping Education

The rapid adaptation of AI and the emergence of generative AI tools are revolutionizing the educational landscape. This session will cover how AI transforms teaching methodologies, personalises learning experiences, and prepares students for a technology-driven future. Discussions will also discuss the ethical challenges of integrating AI into educational systems.

Key Topic 4: Addressing Labour Market Challenges

The final session will focus on tackling labour market challenges, such as building sustainable human capital and utilizing AI to address skill mismatches. Speakers will share insights on innovative strategies for workforce development, the importance of continuous learning, and how AI tools can be effectively deployed to align skills with market needs. The session aims to provide actionable strategies for creating a more adaptable and skilled workforce.

Key Topic 5: Uncovering Needs of The Invisibles for Social Inclusion in the Digital Age

The final session will focus on uncovering vulnerable social groups that remain unnoticed in the official statistics but face high social and economic exclusion risks. Addressing the needs of these groups, usually referred to as The Invisibles by educators, NGOs, and policymakers, would contribute to building better and more inclusive societies through lifelong education. We will examine the findings of the research based on a novel methodology in the Baltics and its potential application beyond.

Round-Table Discussion

The conference will conclude with a round-table discussion, allowing participants to engage with the speakers, share their perspectives, and discuss collaborative opportunities. This interactive segment aims to foster a deeper understanding and generate actionable ideas for sustainable development in societies.

Closing Remarks

FutureScape 2024 will summarise key takeaways and a call to action for participants to apply the insights gained in their respective fields and communities.

The date of the event: March 6, 2024
Time: 9:00-15:15 (Riga)
Location: Online Zoom
Participation in the event is free of charge. All registered listeners will receive a certificate of attendance.
Registration for the Conference: until March 5, 2024

You are welcome to submit your articles to the Journal of Business Management Special Issue!  
Deadline for submitting articles: until April 30, 2024

Conference programme
Call for papers

RIXARCH 2024 / II. Starptautiskā arhitektūras dizaina konference notiks 2024. gada 12.-13. aprīlī Rīgā, Latvijā. Augstskolas RISEBA Arhitektūras un Dizaina fakultāte organizē konferenci RISEBA Arhitektūras un mediju centrā, H2O 6 kvartālā.

Konferences mērķis ir pulcēt ievērojamus un jaunos vietējos zinātniekus un rīkot starptautisku forumu, lai veicinātu diskusijas par aktuāliem arhitektūras jautājumiem. Konferencē tiks aplūkotas dažādas arhitektūras tēmas ar mūsdienīgu ievirzi un no starpdisciplināras perspektīvas.

Esat laipni aicināti piedalīties konferencē RIXARCH 2024, vēlamies uzsvērt, ka gaidīsim anotācijas no visām pasaules valstīm. Iesniegtās anotācijas tiks atlasītas pēc divkāršas recenzēšanas, un pieņemtie darbi, pilnā rakstveidā tiks publicēti konferences rakstu krājumā ar starptautisko grāmatas standartnumuru (angļu: International Standard Book Number, ISBN). Aicinām jūs iesniegt pilnus zinātniskos rakstus publicēšanai, 2024. gada ADAMarts žurnāla īpašā sadaļā, pēc konferences norises.

RIXARCH 2024 tīmekļa vietne
Informatīvs materiāls presei


  1. a point of entry of the optic nerve on the retina insensitive to light
  2. an area where a person’s view is obstructed.


Astra Zariņa, Arhitekte un pasniedzēja:
Dabas spēks ( angļu: A Force of Nature)

17th Annual Scientific Baltic Business Management Conference ASBBMC 2024



The past five years have been rich with unexpected turns affecting almost every area of human activity globally. They have created new technological hypes and, simultaneously, led to reassessing the technologies and behavioral models viewed as promising.

However, in that era of profound and unexpected turmoil, the ability to carry out effective transformations, including absorbing the growing supply of digital technologies, has not become obsolete. Seeking to balance both the capacity for technological adaptation at the transnational and national levels and the strategic management of organisations based on a sustainable development approach remaining in sight.

These considerations require academic researchers in business and finance to detect necessary changes and to seek appropriate solutions to the current economic, political, social, and technological challenges while staying focused on principles and values crucial for long-term development.

Registration and Submission of abstracts by 6 May 2024






2024. gada 7. jūnijā augstskola “RISEBA” organizēs jau ikgadējo Starptautisko studentu zinātniski pētniecisko un mākslinieciskās jaunrades darbu konferenci “Mainīgā pasaule – jaunu risinājumu meklējumos 2024”.

Par konferencē pieejamajām sekcijām, pieteikšanos informācija sekos.

Konferences norises forma: attālināti ZOOM tiešsaistes platformā.
Konferences valodas: latviešu un angļu.

Lai pieteiktos augstskolas “RISEBA” Studentu zinātniski pētniecisko un mākslinieciskās jaunrades darbu konferencei:
• Aizpildi konferences pieteikuma anketu līdz 01.05.2024.
• Dalības apstiprinājums būs redzams izvietotā programmā www.riseba.lv mājas lapā 01.06.2024.
• Sekcijas „ Audiovizuālās mākslas un mediju inovatīvie risinājumi” darbi jāiesniedz CD vai USB datu nesējā Aigaram Ceplītim, [email protected], Durbes ielā, Rīgā, ar norādi „RISEBA Starptautiskajai studentu zinātniski pētnieciskajai konferencei – 2024” līdz 01.05.2024.
• Sekcijas „Arhitektūras risinājumi” darbi jāiesniedz elektroniski nosūtot Zanei Vējai, [email protected], ar norādi „RISEBA Starptautiskajai studentu zinātniski pētnieciskajai konferencei – 2024” līdz 01.05.2024.
• Iesniedz savu rakstisku referātu, kā arī referāta darba prezentāciju līdz 10.05.2024. sūtot to uz e-pastu: [email protected]
• Uzstājies konferencē 07.06.2024.
• Uzstāšanās laiks konferencē: 8 minūtes, diskusijas laiks pēc katra ziņojuma: 5 – 7 minūtes.

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