2018. gada novembrī biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskolas “RISEBA” studenti, biznesa inkubatora dalībnieki iesniedza savas biznesa projektu idejas starptautiskajā jauniešu start-up biznesa ideju konkursā. Konkurss norisinājās Erasmus KA2 projekta Higher education institutions for youth entrepreneurship (HEIFYE) ietvaros, laika posmā no 12-14. novembrim Erevānā (Armēnija).

Youth entrepreneurship in Eastern Partnership countries: analysis of problems and solutions

V. Hrosul, I. Kreituss et. – Riga: RISEBA, 2020 – 139 p.
You can find full monograph here

Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building in the field of youth – Eastern Partnership-
Project Type: Partnership for Entrepreneurship
Project Title: Higher education institutions for youth entrepreneurship
Reference Number: 589942-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBY-EP-PE

The idea of the project is intensifying of youth entrepreneurship in the context of European integration both within countries and between the Eastern Partnership countries and the European Union with use of the experience of creating successful business models in the Eastern Partnership countries.

The project aims at:

  • strengthening of transnational cooperation between education, science and business;
  • increasing the international aspect of entrepreneurial education;
  • transferring the best business practices in the context of European integration, as well as the implementation by the business sector of opportunities for European integration in partner countries;
  • improving of competences and entrepreneurial skills among young people in partner countries.

The specific objectives of the project are the following:

  • organization of the network of centers for training and supporting youth entrepreneurship at higher education institutions in the countries of the European Union and the Eastern Partnership;
  • study of the experience of doing business in the partner countries of the project;
  • development of training course on the specifics of doing business in the context of European integration in partner countries and its implementation in the curricula of partner universities, as well as its open presentation in a remote form;
  • creation of an online platform for communication, exchange of the best practices, search for potential business partners between young entrepreneurs and centres for training and supporting youth entrepreneurship at higher education institutions of partner countries;
  • exchange of knowledge, experience and successful practices of youth entrepreneurship in partner countries.

Activity 1. Project Management

1.1. Coordinating meetings
1.2. Final reporting meeting. Activity and financial reporting

Activity 2. Conducting research on the state of youth entrepreneurship in the partner countries of the project
2.1. Report on state of youth entrepreneurship
2.2. Scientific articles

Activity 3. Carrying out of working meetings with partners (workshops)

3.1. Aspects of the development of youth entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova in the context of European integration processes
3.2. Experience of youth entrepreneurship in the conditions of European integration in the Baltic States
3.3. Problems and prospects of youth entrepreneurship in the countries of Transcaucasia

Activity4. Development of a training course on the specifics of doing business in the context of European integration in partner countries

4.1. Handbook
4.2. Development of the training course

Activity5. Development of online platform

5.1. Technical development and testing of the online platform
5.2. Content filling of the web platform

Activity 6. Organization of the work of centers for training and supporting youth entrepreneurship

6.1. Organization of centers for training and support of youth entrepreneurship

Activity 7. Conducting of the scientific and practical conferences

7.1. Report by the results of the conference

Activity 8. Holding the International Championship and contest

8.1. Report by the results of the championship “Youth and Entrepreneurship”
8.2. Report by the results of the contest of business projects “StartUp-Cooperation”

Activity 9. Conducting of national seminars

9.1. Report by the results of the national seminars, roundtables, workshops

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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