ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z”activity week at RISEBA 25.03.2019-29.03.2019
Last week of March, 2019 ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z – stimulating achievements and using modern IT technologies to increase effectiveness at work with Generation Z” (Number of grant agreement: 2018-1-PLN01-KA204-050761) activity week took place at RISEBA University of Applied Sciences.
The project involves partners from WSB University in Torun, Poland and POLYTECHNIC OF PORTO, School of Management and Technology from Portugal. The week at RISEBA was devoted for the analysis of data about Generation Z and creation of profile of GenZ learner. The Lego Serous Paly method was used among others to discuss the experiences of faculty form Poland, Portugal and Latvia about teaching GenZ learners.
ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z” activity weekat Porto Polytechnic University, School of Management and Technology (Felgueiras and Porto)
Within the framework of the ERASMUS + funded project “Enjoy Generation Z!” a project team held the activity week at Porto Polytechnic University from 27.05.2019. until 31.05.2019.
Project partners: Torun Bank of Torun, Poland, RISEBA School of Business Art and Technology (Latvia) and Polytechnic of Porto (School of Management and Technology), Portugal. RISEBA project group was represented by the project manager Prof. Iveta Ludviga, project coordinator Anna Strazda, and project experts Agita Kalvina and Irena Komarova.
The project working group consisting of 12 participants from partner countries, attended training sessions and experience exchange events on the use of new technologies in the Generation Z learning process.
The meeting program included practical lessons and discussions on the use of gamification theory in practice, with the aim of increasing student motivation and involvement in the study process, developing new interactive teaching methods (Prof. Rui Silva).
Experience exchange activities included study tours to the innovative Porto Global Hub – Porto Polytechnic University’s Design Factory, where students under the supervision of mentors develop product prototypes at the order of entrepreneurs. The discussion was led by the director of Porto Global Hub Paulo Ferraz.
Participants of the project were able to observe the production processes, understand the pricing policy of the products by participating in a training trip to the footwear manufacturing company in Felgueiras.
Project participants also explored future collaboration opportunities in science, creating joint articles and programs between partner universities, discussing new ideas for joint projects.
Finally, the project participants learned about the results of student projects and discussed the introduction of new ideas into practice in motivation and engagement of Generation Z, assessed practical examples of student engagement and support to promote start-up and business development.
ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z” transnational project meeting on 05.09. at RISEBA University of Applied Sciences
On 5 September 2019 ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z – stimulating achievements and using modern IT technologies to increase effectiveness at work with Generation Z” transnational project meeting took place at RISEBA University of Applied Sciences.
During the meeting the representatives of the Project partners WSB Torun University (Poland), Polytechnic of Porto, School of Management and Technology (Portugal) and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) discussed the results of previous work for increasing activity and engagement of Generation Z. The plan for next activity week and creating the good practice examples was discussed.
ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z” activity week at Copernikus University (Poland) 1 October – 5 October 2019
Within the framework of the ERASMUS + funded project “Enjoy Generation Z!” a project team held the activity week at WSB Torun University in Torun, Poland from 1 October till 5 October 2019. Project partners: WSB Torun University, Poland, RISEBA School of Business Art and Technology (Latvia) and Polytechnic of Porto (School of Management and Technology), Portugal.
RISEBA project group was represented by the project manager Prof. Iveta Ludviga, project coordinator Anna Strazda, and project experts Juris Asars and Irena Komarova. The project working group consisting of 12 participants from partner countries, attended training sessions and experience exchange events on the use of new technologies in the Generation Z learning process.
The meeting program included practical lessons and discussions on the use of good practices in working with youth of Generation, working on the main aim of increasing student involvement in study process and motivation. The partners were working on summarizing the main concluded results and creating the videos with the representing of best practices.
ERASMUS+ PROJECT “ENJOY GENERATION Z” transnational project meeting at Polytechnic of orto School of Management and Technology 16 October 2016
On 16 October 2019 ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z – stimulating achievements and using modern IT technologies to increase effectiveness at work with Generation Z” transnational project meeting took place at Porto Polytechnic School of management and technology.
During the meeting the representatives of the Project partners WSB Torun University (Poland), Polytechnic of Porto, School of Management and Technology (Portugal) and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) presented the results of previous work for increasing activity and engagement of Generation Z. The budget analyzes and plan for next joint project were described.
ERASMUS+ project “ENJOY GENERATION Z” video that summarizes the results of the project
Erasmus+ project “Enjoy Generation Z! – stimulating achievements and using modern IT technologies to increase effectiveness at work with Generation Z”. Project: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050761.
As the result of the project the Catalogue of good practices were prepared – video that summarizes the results of the project implemented as a part of Erasmus+ Programme by Leader of the project WSB University in Torun, Dr. Joanna Niezurawska-Zajac (Poland), partners: RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Iveta Ludviga (Latvia), Porto Polytechnic University, Prof. Nelson Duarte (Portuguese).
One of the tasks implemented as part of the project was to build profiles of Generation Z people from Poland, Portugal, and Latvia.
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method was used for this purpose.
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving process in which participants are led through a series of questions, probing deeper and deeper into the subject.
Competency profile of people from Generation Z in Poland, Latvia and Portugal: