International opportunities

At the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences is offered several opportunities to study or undergo internships abroad. The broader study opportunities are offered directly under the Erasms + programme, but the higher level also has a number of double degree cooperation agreements under which a student achieves two diplomas. Internships can also go through the Erasms + programme with a corresponding grant. Such internships are also offered to students who have recently graduated from RISEBA.

Erasmus Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are Erasmus+ activities that provide students and teachers the opportunity to participate in short, intensive study programs that use innovative teaching methods. These programs combine short-term physical mobility with a virtual component, which takes place before or after the in-person sessions. This format enables students and staff to enhance their knowledge and gain international experience, even if they are unable to participate in long-term mobility.

  • The physical mobility duration can range from 5 to 30 days.
  • There is no minimum or maximum limit for the virtual component.
  • Participants are awarded 3 ECTS credits for the mobility period.

Here you can view the list of available BIP programs:

Erasmus+ International Mobility

RISEBA students have the opportunity to participate in Erasmus+ international projects KA171 (Erasmus International Credit Mobility (ICM)) at one of our partner universities outside of Europe. The aim of these projects is to promote international educational experiences and collaboration, allowing RISEBA students to study in countries that are not Erasmus+ program member states. This aspect of international cooperation enables the formation of global academic connections and broadens educational experiences beyond Europe. Currently, RISEBA University maintains active partnerships with countries such as Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kenya, and Ukraine.

Ekaterina Sinyakova

Country of mobility:
Host university: Marmara University
Study programme: Business Psychology
Length of mobility period: 1 semester

I went on Erasmus+ exchange programme from RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia to Marmara University, Turkey (Eğitim, Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Cd, 34722 Kadıköy/İstanbul, Turkey).

I studied at Faculty of business administration, Department of management information systems during one academic year (from September 2022 till July 2023).

I would like to start my story with why I decided to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange program. Previously I have already participated in a student exchange program, only I was on practice in Italy. B

Based on two experiences I can highlight the following points why I will participate in more student exchange programs:

  1. The Erasmus program provides an opportunity to travel around the country, which broadens my horizons.
  2. It is possible to make friends while studying and practicing. These friendships can be useful both in personal life and in future career.
  3. Staying in a country where another language is spoken helps to improve language skills.
  4. Professional and personal development: Studying in another country can offer interesting academic opportunities that are different from home university. Living in a new environment requires adapting and developing skills of independence, responsibility and sociability that will help in future career and personal live building.

Communication with the sending university was good, there were no problems, only misunderstandings on my part. There were a lot of problems with the receiving university, communication was at a bad level due to the fact that in one semester more than 400 people came and the university allocated 2 people who tried to help us in any way, but physically it was difficult, queues of people who tried to get to the Erasmus office and get help stood on the stairs 2 floors long. Because of the fact that there were many of us we were allocated to “student buddy” even before the beginning of the semester started. I can say that these are the best and most compassionate people I have met. They helped me with most of the problems that arose on my way, I extremely grateful what I met them.

There were also academic problems, for example:

  1. I could take any subjects I wanted and from any department, i.e., there were more than 1000 subjects to choose from, and it was difficult to understand which subject was suitable specifically for my program.
  2. Problems with teachers who did not want to switch to English were very common.

But I met a lot of friends and gained invaluable experience, which helped me understand what cultural differences and why it is worth considering this in working relationships. I am very grateful that I had such an opportunity to visit a country with a huge and interesting history and different views on life, although the path was not easy, it was very interesting. I don’t regret spending my year abroad in any way.

I wish all students to at least experience such an experience and, most importantly, not be afraid to ask for help.

Thank you!

Erasms + (European Region Action scheme for the Mobility of University students) is one of the most popular lifelong learning exchange programmes for students and teachers, contributing to the development of universities in a single European Union (EU) higher education area.

It is an opportunity for vocational and higher education staff, students and students to gain experience abroad by going to one of the Erasmus + countries, higher education or to one of the Erasmus + partner countries.

Teaching staff have the opportunity to share their experience at one of the partner universities, while students have the opportunity to gain international experience and new knowledge.

The Erasms + programme includes 28 EU Member States, 4 countries of the European free Trade Association and the European Economic area (Islande, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland), as well as Turkey.

In addition to learning and understanding the host country, the programme promotes a sense of Community among students from different countries. Erasms + experience is seen as a time for learning as well as an opportunity to socialise.

About Erasmus+ programme
ERASMS Policy Declaration

Procedures for the implementation of the Programme by RISEBA

Participation in the Erasms + programme shall be open to all full-time students of RISEBA, including foreign nationals who have completed at least one year of study at RISEBA High School. Students have the choice to go to exchange studies at one of the partner universities, depending on their curriculum.

Applications for the study exchange programme take place twice a year, respectively in the autumn for studies in the spring semester, and in spring for studies in the autumn semester. A student may apply for exchange mobility at any of the foreign universities participating in the Erasms + programme that have signed a partnership agreement with RISEBA.

Students may participate in Erasms + programme study mobility several times, up to a maximum of 12 months per level of study (Bachelor, Master, PhD). The minimum duration of study mobility under the Erasms + programme is three months.

The period of study abroad is recognised academically.

ERASMS student Charter

Login criteria

A RISEBA student may apply for participation in the Erasms + programme only if, in accordance with the by-law, there is a full-time undergraduate education programme student of course 2 or 3, a master’s course 1 student or a doctoral student.

For a student’s participation in an Erasms + study exchange to be assessed, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • All academic and financial commitments have been settled.
  • Average mark – at least 7.
  • Good knowledge of English in accordance with the requirements of the host Partner School

In order to apply for Erasms +, the application form must be completed:

Application form

Preparing for Erasmus+ mobility: 

Student have to fill out the Application form (iesniegums p5) with program director. (P.5.Application-studiju dala is sent to all accepted students for mobility by e-mail).

Based on application student prepares Learning agreement/Online learning agreement for studies.

On arrival at partner university-Certificate of attendance (first part-arrival) must be completed by partner university coordinator. 

All outgoing students must have health insurance for the mobility period abroad (EHIC cards are accepted-

Agreement for studies

Partner universities

RISEBA has concluded bilateral cooperation agreements under the Erasms + Lifelong learning Programme with over 130 partner universities in Erasms + countries and partner countries.

Students have the right to choose three institutions of higher education of their interest, depending on the study programme and to include them in the application questionnaire.

Partner universities

Tuition fees and scholarships

Tuition fees for studies at partner universities are not payable. However, students are obliged to continue paying RISEBA tuition fees.

All students are granted an EU scholarship and co-financing of the Latvian budget to cover part of their living expenses.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Upon return from studying abroad

Upon return from studying abroad, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • Learning Agreement / OLA– signed and stamped by all three parties (coordinators of the student, host and sending institution of higher education).
  • Certificate of Attendance – completed, signed and stamped by the coordinator of the partner institution of higher education.
  • Transcript of records – issued by a partner university after an exchange study period.
  • Erasms + experience story – the student’s written with attached pictures should be emailed.

For mobility to be accepted, the information in all documents must be the same. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that study mobility dates coincide everywhere and that the number of credits in the training contract (Learning Agreement) consistent with the statement of success  (Transcript of records).

The External relations Unit invites students to participate in various university activities, especially international events, to increase their chances of a scholarship for the exchange program.

The double degree program enables students to earn two diplomas while studying at RISEBA and one of its collaborative universities for a certain amount of time.

A RISEBA student may apply to participate in a Dubultdegree programme once or twice in a study year depending on the study programme. Selection for participation in the Double degree Programme takes place in autumn and spring in a single competition with Erasms + programme stakeholders.

Dual degree exchange is offered to students of the following programs:

Bachelor programs:

Master’s programmes:

Login criteria

A RISEBA student may apply for participation in a Dubultdegree programme only if he or she is students of one of the abovementioned study programmes and has completed at least one year of study at the RISEBA institution of higher education, respectively.

For a student’s participation in a Double degree programme to be evaluated, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • Participation in the Double degree Programme has been agreed with the Programme Director RISEBA.
  • All academic and financial commitments have been settled.
  • Average mark – at least 7.
  • Good knowledge of English in accordance with the requirements of the host partner university.

In order to apply for participation in a double degree programme, the application questionnaire must be completed.

Application questionnaire

It should be noted that certain programmes may contain additional requirements on the part of programme directors.

Partner universities

Bachelor programmes:

Master’s programmes:


Tuition fees for studies at partner universities are not payable. However, students are obliged to continue paying RISEBA tuition fees.

Upon return from studying abroad, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • Certificate of Attendance – completed, signed and stamped by the coordinator of the partner institution of higher education.
  • Learning Agreement /OLA – signed and stamped by all three parties (coordinators of the student, host and sending institution of higher education).
  • Double degree exchange experience story – written in free form with attached pictures, to be sent by e-mail.
  • Transcript of records – issued by a partner university after an exchange study period.

For the Double degree Exchange to be accepted, the information must match in all documents. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that study exchange dates coincide everywhere and that the number of credits in the learning Agreement (learning Agreement) coincides with the transcript of records.

Erasms + supports internships (traineeships, work placements, etc.) abroad for students already enrolled in the national higher education institution of the programme in a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate. Young people who have recently graduated can also take this opportunity.

By participating in Erasms + foreign practice, you will not only improve communication skills, foreign language knowledge and intercultural contact skills, but also gain an understanding of entrepreneurship and skills that are highly valued by employers.

Erasms + can also be combined with a study period abroad.


The practice abroad may be no less than 2 months and no longer than 12 months.

You can exchange Erasmus Erasms abroad several times, both as a student and as a trainee, but the total time spent abroad (including periods abroad) should not exceed 12 months per study cycle (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate).

You can also go through a practice abroad if you recently graduated from RISEBA High. In that case, the practice must take place within a year of obtaining a diploma and you must apply for it while you are still enrolled as a student at a higher education institution.


This option is available to all RISEBA students.

The practice should be consistent with your curriculum and future career goals, as well as usually included in your curriculum.

You can go through practice in any national organisation of the Erasms + programme (except EU institutions, bodies and agencies).

The practice can be passed at any time that does not interfere with studies (summer practice, study practice).

Before going into practice

Find a company or organization where you would like to go through the practice.

You must receive a signed and stamped acceptance letter from the company or organization where you plan to exit the practice.

You must enter into a Traineeship Agreement signed by all three parties (you, company or organisation and RISEBA Erasms + coordinator).

Login open year-round

To apply, please fill in the application form:

Application form

Your application will be reviewed and approved within 2 weeks.

After the conclusion of the foreign practice

After the conclusion of the foreign practice, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • Certificate of Attendance — completed, signed and stamped by the company or organisation.
  • Traineeship Agreement — signed and stamped by all three parties (you, the company or the organisation and the RISEBA Erasms + coordinator).
  • Traineeship certificate — completed, signed and stamped by the company or organisation.
  • Practice experience story – written in free form with attached images, should be sent to e-mail.

Become a “student buddy” for an incoming Erasmus student.

Find out more here

Anna Grēta Pilsuma
International Exchange Projects manager
314, Meža iela 3
Laima Žagare
Erasmus + and double degree project manager
314, Meža iela 3

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