LETA offers the opportunity to search for the latest news, press releases, photos and videos, morning press and economic reviews, as well as the possibility to search for news, articles from Latvian press publications, statistics and other information in the archive.
Access codes change monthly (June, July, August – no subscription).

Nozare.lv is an information service of the Latvian National Information Agency (LETA), which combines the knowledge and experience of LETA specialists in the production of operational and analytical information to provide the most up-to-date and competent business information in one place online.
Access codes change monthly (June, July, August – no subscription).

Emerald is one of the world’s leading online publishers, offering more than 200 different journals and books in strategic management and social science.
Help with e-resources (English)

EBSCO is a reference system available on the internet. It offers a variety of full-text databases from leading information providers: Academic Search Complete + MasterFILE Premier, MasterFILE Reference eBook Subscription, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition+Consumer Edition, Newspaper Source, ERIC, GreenFILE, LISTA, MEDLINE, Teacher Reference Centre, Open Dissertations. The system offers comprehensive databases ranging from general bibliographic selections to specific databases for government, academic, medical, business and university libraries.
For the convenience of users, EBSCO offers a search guide and video guides.
A video guide of the EBSCO host platform is available in Latvian.

Scopus is Elsevier’s bibliographic and citation database of multidisciplinary scientific publications, containing entries for more than 21,000 journals, 86,000 e-books and 6.8 million conference proceedings, as well as 27 million patents. Scopus also offers abstracts and the possibility to download full-text articles from publishers’ databases.
Help with e-resources (English)
Access data:
First, you should log in by specifying the institution (specify RISEBA, then choose from the list, enter the riseba.lv e-mail address assigned to you and follow the instructions). The e-mail address has been assigned at the beginning of the course, if you have any questions please contact the IT Department: [email protected]

ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s database that contains articles and publications related to the natural and technical sciences, life sciences and medicine, as well as the humanities and social sciences. The database contains information about several thousand journals and books published by Elsevier.
Interactive help with e-resources (English)
Access data:
First, you should log in by specifying the institution (specify RISEBA, then choose from the list, enter the riseba.lv e-mail address assigned to you and follow the instructions). The e-mail address has been assigned at the beginning of the course, if you have any questions please contact the IT Department: [email protected]

- Web of Science – the database contains the most important scientific information on more than 12,000 journals in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts, offering bibliographic and citation information, abstracts and other information. The database offers extensive search, selection and analysis options.
The Web of Science database has information from 1990 and consists of several citation index databases.
Help with e-resources (English)
EndNote – an online reference organisation tool available to Web of Science subscribers. It allows you to collect and organise references, create bibliographies in a specific format, and collaborate with colleagues and students by sending them the references you have collected. To get started with EndNote, you need to register. Registration can be done from Web of Science. Direct import of references to EndNote is provided for some databases and library catalogues. References that cannot be imported can also be entered manually. The collected references can be sorted into groups, and bibliographies can be created according to the format you choose.
Clarivate Analytics free tutorials and an online video archive with useful tips for efficient information search and effective use of the database are available to users of the platform.
The first registration for ‘Web of Science’ should be done from any computer located at RISEBA University, after which you will be able to work with the database from your home computer.

Passport – Euromonitor International’s information resource that supports studies and research in a variety of disciplines: international business and marketing, economics, international relations, tourism and the social sciences.
Access data:
You need to create your account using the riseba.lv e-mail address assigned to you and follow the instructions below. The e-mail address has been assigned at the beginning of the course, if you have any questions please contact the IT Department: [email protected]
Passport by Euromonitor International short guide: available here
Euromonitor Passport Webinar: available here

Statista – one of the largest statistical databases worldwide and covers statistical information to over 80.000 topics.
Access data: 22.04.2024.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
Art & Architecture Source is a full-text database covering architecture and architectural design, as well as fine, decorative and commercial arts. It offers hundreds of full-text art magazines, journals and books, as well as thousands of images. Content Includes: 380+ active full-text non-open access journals; 180+ books and a collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources. Topics: Architecture and architectural history, Interior design, Landscape architecture, Advertising art, Antiques, Archaeology, Art history, Contemporary art, Costume design, Crafts, Decorative arts, Folk art, Graphic arts, Industrial design, Motion pictures, Painting, Photography, Ceramics, Graphics, Sculpture, Television, Textiles.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
Business Source Ultimate offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business, stimulating debate about future developments and changes in the business world. Content Includes: 3,400+ active full-text journals and magazines, 2,000+ active full-text peer-reviewed journals, 1,400+ active full-text peer-reviewed journals without embargo, 1,100+ active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Topics covered: accounting, administration, banking, economics, finance, human resources, management, marketing.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source is a database of full-text scientific journals published in Central and Eastern European countries. This multidisciplinary and multilingual database, recently updated to include twice as much full-text journal content, covers a wide range of topics including business, economics, history, STEM and law. The content includes 2,000+ full-text titles (with over 1,350 full-text publications recently added). Multilingual content represents 60 languages. Topics: business, economics, education, humanities, history, international relations, law, literature, medicine, politics, social sciences, STEM.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
Communication Source is an extensive full-text database containing a collection of journals in the field of social communication and mass media and other related fields such as linguistics, rhetoric, speech pathology, media studies, communication theory, organisational communication. The database includes indexes and abstracts from over 1,000 scholarly journals and full texts from over 680 journals and many other sources.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
EBSCO e- book Academic Collection has a wide range of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. The breadth of information available in this package ensures that students and researchers will have access to information relevant to their research needs. This collection contains 200,000+ titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harvard University Press and many more. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor &; Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley &; Sons. All titles are available with unrestricted user access. Subjects include: arts, business and economics, education, language arts and discipline, literary criticism, medicine, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social sciences, technology and engineering, other academic fields.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
EconLit with Full Text is a full-text database for economic research. It offers hundreds of full-text journals, including the journals of the American Economic Association, without embargo. It also has full indexing in EconLit, which corresponds to the high-quality JEL classification system for economic literature. Content includes: over 370 active full-text non-open access journals; 15 full-text books including the World Trade Handbook; Topics : Capital Markets, Government Studies, Econometrics, Economic Forecasting, Environmental Economics, Government Regulation, Labour Economics, Monetary Theory, Urban Economics.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Available till 11.06.2024.
Humanities Source Ultimate is a valuable source of information for students, scholars, researchers and academics interested in all aspects of the development of the humanities, literature, scientific and creative thought. The database indexes more than 3,700 journals and contains the full text of almost 2,000 journals, of which more than 1,600 are regularly published journals. The database provides full texts and bibliographic data on publications such as: articles, interviews, bibliographies, literary texts (poetry, prose and drama), book reviews, ballet performances, dance programmes, films, opera performances, musicals, theatre productions, radio and television programmes and much more. Database topics include: archaeology, regional studies, art, classical studies, social communication, dance, film, folklore, cultural and social gender studies, history, journalism, linguistics, literary and social criticism, literature, music, performing arts, performances and concerts, philosophy, religion and theology, and much more.
For access to the database, please contact the library by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Reference databases
- AkadTerm – Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Terminology Explanatory and Translation Database
- Bartleby.com – Great Books Online – the database offers electronic information search, free access to many books
- Cambridge Dictionaries Online – English dictionaries
- Dictionary.com – search terms and references in dictionaries, encyclopaedias and on the internet
- Epupa.valoda – electronic Latvian dictionary
- EURLEX – European Union legislation and Official Journal
- Europeana – The European Digital Library – digital material from Europe’s museums, archives, libraries and other cultural collections. The database contains images, text, audio and video recordings from films, news and TV programmes
- Eurotermbank – glossary of terminology
- Latvijas Literatūras centra datubāze – bibliographical information on works of Latvian literature, bibliographies of authors and excerpts from individual works
- MERLOT – multimedia education and research resources for online learning
- One Look Dictionary Search – a collection of online dictionaries. Around 19 million words from more than 1060 dictionaries in various fields
- The Encyclopedia of Earth – a reference database on the Earth, its natural environment and its interactions with society
- Wiktionary – explanatory and translatory dictionary
- World Factbook -A fact book about the world, individual regions and each country in categories such as geography, maps, economic, government, transport, etc.
- YourDictionary -dictionaries for translation, explanation, synonymy, thesaurus, multilingual, etc.
E-journal databases
- “Baltic Journal of Psychology” – Baltic Journal of Psychology, publishing original papers on current issues in psychology, as well as empirical, theoretical and practical articles in psychology
- Baltic Journal of Economics (On-line arhīvs) – scientific journal covering the latest research in the Baltic States and commentary on economic development
- Cyberleninka – an open-access resource of more than 900,000 journals in various fields
- European Scientific Journal – The online, multidisciplinary journal of the European Scientific Institute (ESI)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) “Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a full-text database in various disciplines and languages. It collects information on more than 7000 Open Access scientific journals
- Electronic Journals Library – database of journals in different languages for different fields
- HighWire Press – HighWire Press offers free access to the full text of more than 2 million articles, as well as 6.6 million articles from more than 1400 journals in the fields of language studies, music, religious studies, computer science, earth science, engineering, mathematics, physics, research methods, communication, education, sociology, statistics, etc.
- Hindawi Publishing “Hindawi is one of the largest academic publishers, offering more than 300 open access journals in various fields
- Latvijas Vēstnesis The free online version of the official newspaper of the Republic of Latvia “Latvijas Vēstnesis” offers full-text information from 1995
- Open Humanity Press The database is an open-access e-resource publishing house offering scholarly e-journals and e-books in the humanities
- SpringerOpen Springer offers more than 100 open-access journals in various fields of science
- Taylor & Francis Open Journals – A multidisciplinary database offering access to scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in the scientific, medical and technical fields. Major publishers covered include Routledge, Psychology Press, Focal Press, etc.
- Taylor & Francis Open Select Taylor & Francis also publishes more than 1,600 journals in a wide range of disciplines, some of which are freely available online
- The Economist The Economist (on-line archive) is a weekly magazine offering its readers expert analysis and opinion on what’s happening in the world. Coverage of the week’s most important events in politics and business
- First Monday – a journal on the role of communication, the Internet and the global information infrastructure, including political and regulatory issues and other factors in Internet content
- Innovations and Technologies News Multidisciplinary scientific journal published in Latvia, with articles on economics and business also available in electronic version
- Open Access at SAGE an open-access e-journal platform from SAGE Publications covering publications in the social sciences and humanities, as well as environmental science, medicine, psychology, etc.
- studija.lv – online version of the magazine
E-book databases
- Bookboon – online access to textbooks in various fields
- BookZZ – the largest e-book library – both specialised literature and fiction
- Bookyards – Online access to more than 17 000 eBooks in various fields. In addition, a significant number of links to other electronic resources with educational content are also provided
- Brill Online Books and Journals – The database offers full-text books and journal articles in the humanities, international law and biology. Most books and journals are available for a fee, but there are also journals and books available free of charge
- Directory of Open Access Books – offers 750 open-access e-books from 20 publishers in various fields of science
- Ebook and Texts Archive:The Library of Congress – resource offering free downloads of books and texts . The Ebook and Texts Archive contains a wide range of popular fiction, children’s books, historical texts and academic books
- EU Bookshop– European Union Bookstore with free access to the full texts of EU publications
- Free eBooks by Project Gutenberg – Project Gutenberg offers more than 39,000 free eBooks in various fields. They can be downloaded or read online. Project Gutenberg asks for small donations to buy and digitise more books
- Free Ebooks Library – free e-books in various fields
- Freebookcentre.net – free e-books in various fields. They can be downloaded or read online. The full texts of all the books are not available in the database, but the resources available are large enough
- INTECHopen – More than 900 e-books and e-journals in physics, engineering, life sciences, health sciences
- Internet Archive –An online library including historical books and texts, audio materials, animated images in various fields
- MERLOT – multimedia teaching and research resources for online learning: free access to full-text books, journal articles, dissertations and other materials in English and Dutch
- NDLTD – The Networked Digital Library of Theses And Dissertations ir starptautiska organizācija, kuras mērķis ir nodrošināt disertāciju elektronisko versiju apzināšanu, veidošanu, izmantošanu, izplatīšanu un saglabāšanu
- OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) – a database of full-text scholarly books in various fields: business and management, humanities and social sciences, law, economics, finance, mathematics, arts, etc.
- Online Books Page – free e-books in various fields
- Open Access at Routledge and Taylor & Francis – free e-books in various disciplines
- Open Access – eBooks in different fields of science from German research libraries
- Open Culture – Free resources of audio books, online courses, films, language lessons and e-books in a wide range of disciplines, including the arts
- Open Humanity Press – the database is an open-access e-resource publishing house offering scholarly e-journals and e-books in the humanities
- Questia Online Library – some e-resources are free, some are paid. The database offers full-text collections of books, journals and newspapers in various disciplines, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
- Taylor & Francis Group “Taylor & Francis Group is a multidisciplinary reference and monograph e-book database offering access to the world’s best titles not only in the humanities and social sciences, but also in the fields of science, medicine and technology. Major publishers covered include Routledge, Psychology Press, Focal Press, etc.
- The Online Books Page Links to more than a million books freely available on the internet in different languages. Both fiction and non-fiction books in a variety of subject areas
- Wikibooks –The database offers textbooks for students in various fields. The e-books are open-content and can be updated and edited by anyone. Books are available in several languages and in different subject areas: business and economics, biology, linguistics and literature, computer science, education, history, mathematics, arts, etc.
- „Psychology Today”
- Alberts – marketing and advertising website
- Alinari archives – an archive of historical photographs and illustrations of society, art and culture from across Europe
- Artsy – a database providing one of the largest collections of contemporary art in the world
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine – BASE is a multidisciplinary academic information resource search engine developed by Bielefeld University Library. BASE contains more than 20 million information resources in different languages from around 1400 different national organisations
- DART-Europe E-theses Portal – free access to dissertations, abstracts and full texts from European universities
- DRIVER – A unified network of European scientific repositories providing a single search facility. Approximately 5.6 million documents, including scientific articles and dissertations from more than 30 countries
- Europeana– The European Digital Library – digital material from Europe’s museums, archives, libraries and other cultural collections. The database contains images, text, audio and video recordings from films, news and TV programmes
- FindArticles – search for articles in journals in different fields Search by keyword, by title, by subject. Full texts of articles are available
- Internet Archive – an online library including historical books and texts, audio materials, animated images in various fields
- Intute – Intute offers resources for education and research
- LR Centrālās Statistikas Pārvaldes datubāze – Central Statistical Office of the Republic of Latvia database containing statistical data on socio-economic processes in Latvia
- LU Matemātikas un informātikas institūta Mākslīgā intelekta laboratorija – The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Latvia website offers links to the AILab dictionary server, the corpus of modern Latvian language texts and the Latvian language resource server
- “LU Raksti” – University of Latvia collection of articles in various fields
- NDLTD – offers searches for dissertations, abstracts and other academic documents on two platforms: Scirus ETD Search un VTLS Visualizer. The Find ETDs section also provides links to other useful tools for searching dissertations and other documents
- Online College Classes – links to a variety of multimedia information resources with educational content, including electronic textbooks
- Oxfam Policy & Practice – Includes publications on methods and approaches to scientific research
- ResarchGATE – the world’s largest social network for scientists and researchers also offers search facilities and information on scientists’ publications, providing guidance on which databases or publishers’ websites have full-text information
- The European Library – The European Digital Libraries Portal provides a single point of access to the digital collections of national libraries in many European countries. Ancient prints, periodicals, etc.
- University of Wisconsin Digital Collections – Digital collections from the University of Wisconsin (USA) reflect the university and its library’s holdings in various fields
- Eurostat – European Committee website with statistics
- Latvijas statistika– The portal provides statistical information on economic, demographic, social and environmental phenomena and processes in Latvia
- World Bank – free access to development data for countries around the world
- CogPrints – articles in psychology available in the database
- Doing Business – offers detailed information covering business regulations in different countries. These reports provide data on how to make doing business easier, new statistics every day, etc.
- Financenet – up-to-date financial information in Latvia and worldwide, as well as exchange rates
- Medicine and Health Sciences Commons – open access articles in medicine, including psychiatry, psychology and other medicine-related fields
- IndexMundi – contains detailed country statistics, charts and aggregated data from various economic sources
- Latvijas filmas bibliotēka – up-to-date information on films and animations made in Latvia, as well as information on directors and their backgrounds
- Likumi.lv – Laws of the Republic of Latvia
- mediaartbase.de – “mediaartbase.de” is a database for media in art and art documentation. The collections include detailed descriptive data as well as audio, video and textual material
- parbrendu.lv – It is important to realise that a brand is not a logo, but a picture in people’s minds. The fact that people’s actions and attitudes depend on perceptions is where the great importance and value of brands lie
- Politikas plānošanas informācijas sistēma (POLSIS) – free access to sectoral policy documents
- Psiholoģijas portāls– full-text books and journals on various topics in psychology in Russian
- Public Relations – information on the importance and relevance of public relations. Information is shared by PR professionals who provide tips for success
- Rīgas Galerija – Riga Gallery represents the most important Latvian contemporary artists – participants of the Venice Biennale (in the Latvian National Pavilion), Sydney Biennale, Moscow Biennale, Manifesta and other important international art exhibitions
- Sociālā psiholoģija – Social Psychology Network
- UbuWeb – UbuWebirdbase, with resources on avant-garde, ethno-poetry and outsider art
- World Art-Portal –
- The collection consists of more than 150 000 images in the fields of painting, drawing, decorative and applied arts, sculpture and architecture. The size of the database shows that this project is one of the leading Russian online galleries.
- Access to the portal is open to all users. Registration is compulsory, it provides users with additional possibilities, such as creating their own gallery and viewing other user’s galleries
- www.arterritory.com – art and culture portal in Latvian, Russian and English
- www.lnmm.lv – Latvian National Museum of Art
The database allows you to acquaint yourself with the Master’s, Bachelor’s theses advocated by RISEBA. The database contains bibliographical entries of the final works from 2008. The full texts of the final work are available from 2020 onwards.