Student service

Often there are times when a student faces a situation that seems too hard to deal with, then it is necessary that someone supports, listens, encourages and helps to come up with a solution.

Recognizing the need for support especially now in times when we are dealing with COVID related restrictions RISEBA has assembled a team of employees, academics, Alumni and supervision students to be able to offer help.

About Student service

It will be possible to receive a consultation from a psychologist, career coach or supervisor or to talk about the study related difficulties. At the same time for a longer supportive relationship (throughout the semester or academic year) it is possible to start working with an Alumni Mentor.

Psychologist, coach, supervisor or study support specialist will offer a 30-45 minute long session over zoom.

On the other hand relationship with Mentor (also remotely) takes place over the whole semester or academic year, typically meeting about once a month also mostly online.

It is possible to receive consultations as well as mentorship both in Latvian and English. In order to receive psychological support you have to write to [email protected] indicating which kind of support you need and if possible describing main issue. Also please indicate your study year and program.

Here a little more detailed description of each kind of support (and yes as a RISEBA student you would be receiving psychological support free of charge):

Psychologists consultation

Psychological support would help to understand and overcome psycho-emotional difficulties. Psychologist typically helps the client to see situation more clearly and to understand own resources. The receiver of this support would be able to understand better the patterns that are not working and are ineffective and to be able to change them. The specialist would listen, encourage, make suggestions of how to use energy to reach goals and typically this helps in improving life quality and dealing with difficult situations.

Career coaching

Consultation with a coach on the topic of career development would be goal oriented. Coach helps to see the issues clearly to see the options and solutions that are available. Coach can provide psychological support and career guidance in a very practical way, allowing to view situation from different perspective, to understand own resources and own strength, as well as to create a career development plan where possible.

Supervisors consultation

Supervision is a consultative and educational support, that usually is carried out in professional context with the objective to increase professional competency, and to promote professional growth. Supervision is done by a specialist in the field who has additional qualification in supervision. Supervision can be useful to students in helping to shape their professional development.

Support in study difficulties

These consultations with Study quality center representative are meant for the situation when a student encounters difficulties studying or has problems in relation to the academic personnel. Consultation would typically be 30-45 minutes long. First consultation would allow to understand the situation and the difficulties as well as create a plan for moving forward. Before signing up for this consultation it is necessary to reach clarity on what causes the study difficulties, so that the consultation can be focused on resolving the issues.

Mentor – support throughout the semester

RISEBA Alumni mentors have volunteered to share both their professional and life experience with students by becoming a mentor for the whole semester or even the whole academic year. Mentor is a supporter, someone who will be listening, helping to put things in perspective, to set and achieve meaningful goals, giving advice based on their experience.

Mentors and students are paired according on their respective profiles and interests. Mentors are willing to help with the issues relating to career growth, social aspects as well as academic performance.

  • In urgent cases, you can contact the Crisis and Counselling Centre “Skalbes”, which offers a 24-hour support helpline: 67222922 or 27722292.
  • “Marta” Centre Centrs MARTA offers the opportunity to receive professional help and support after experiencing physical, emotional, sexual, economic violence or harassment or after an abusive relationship. The ‘Marta” Centre offers counselling from a social worker, psychologist, psychotherapist, lawyer and other specialists. You can apply by calling: 67378539 or by writing to [email protected]. The Marta helpline is: 80002012 (available on weekdays from 10.00 AM – 6.00 PM).
  • More information about depression diagnosis and support options is available on the homepage
  • Information about different types of addictions and how to get help when dealing with addiction is available on
  • Addiction treatment | Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( summarises help options for people with drug addiction.
  • If you are facing a mental crisis, the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Centre provides psychiatric care in Riga. Outpatient Consultation Department – RPNC Patients are consulted by professional psychiatrists. Reception phone: 67715108 (consultations from 8.00 AM – 4.00 PM).
  • If you need a consultation on health issues outside the GP working hours, you can call the National Health Service General Practitioner Helpline: 66016001. You can get medical advice and tips on how to deal with acute illnesses or exacerbations of chronic diseases. Consultations are provided on weekdays from 5.00 PM until 8.00 AM. On weekends and public holidays, consultations are provided 24 hours a day.
  • Ombudsman’s Office Ombudsman of Latvia ( Phone: 67686768; e-mail: [email protected]. Assistance is provided in cases of human rights violations.
  • Legal Aid Administration information line: 80001801; [email protected].
  • FL Legal Practice and Aid Centre ( NLU Faculty of Law Legal Practice and Assistance Centre phone: 67034591; address: Rīga, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Room 458. From mid-October until the end of May, legal aid is provided by senior students under the supervision of experienced lawyers.
  • You can also learn how to strengthen your inner resources in free group sessions supported and organised by Riga City Council

Anna Kvelde
Head of Career Development and Alumni Centre
304a, Meža iela 3

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