Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU
For the third year already the European Social Fund (ESF) funded project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” is being implemented in Liepaja University, within the framework of which three new study programmes have been developed and licensed.
Since January, all three study programmes have been validated and experts have been involved in the validation to assess the quality of the programmes.
The Acting Director of the professional bachelor study programme “Environmental Innovation Technologies” is Mg. sc. env. Mgr. Lilita Ābele. The programme is offered in Latvian and English. Professional bachelor level study programme “Intelligent Technologies and Mechatronics” is developed in cooperation with Ventspils University College and the programme director is Uldis Žaimis. This programme is also offered in Latvian and English.
In February, PhD students started their studies in the doctoral programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies”, developed in cooperation with RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology. The director of the doctoral programme is Rasa Šmite.
In September 2023 the European Social Fund project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU”, which aimed to reduce fragmentation of study programmes and strengthen resource sharing by creating conceptually new quality study programmes, has finished.
During the project Liepaja University has closed 11 study programmes. Three new study programmes have been developed: two professional bachelor level study programmes “Environmental Innovation Technologies” and “Smart Technologies and Mechatronics” in cooperation with Ventspils University College, and one doctoral study programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” in cooperation with RISEBA University of Applied Sciences.
On September 21st, a final seminar was held where participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the new programmes, evaluate the results of the approval and discuss the sustainability and development of the study programmes.
The project funding available to the University of Liepaja was EUR 300 000, of which ESF funding – EUR 255 000 and state budget co-financing – EUR 45 000.
Prepared: 29.09.2023.
The study programmes “Smart Technologies” and “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” are currently in the process of accreditation in their respective fields. The accreditation process is expected to be completed by September, when both programmes will be accredited.
On April 4th, the University of Liepaja hosted an approval seminar for the study programmes “Smart Technologies” and “Environmental Innovation Technologies”, where experts evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the newly established programmes and discussed how to improve the programmes and attract students.
The new programmes will start enrolling students from 14 July. Information can be found on the universities’ websites.
In September 2023, the ESF project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” will come to an end, where Liepaja University in cooperation with Ventspils University College and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences has developed three study programmes – two professional bachelor level and one doctoral programme.
Prepared 12.06.2023.
Liepaja University in cooperation with Ventspils University College and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences within the ESF project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” has developed three study programmes – two professional bachelor level and one doctoral programme.
In the last quarter of 2022, the documents for accreditation of two study fields – “Arts” and “Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science”, which include two study programmes developed within the project, were submitted.
The programmes have been promoted at both local and international events to inform the target group.
The PhD programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” is now open for winter enrolment, with potential PhD students having until January 20th to apply. More information about the admission rules can be found on the website of the University of Liepaja, in the section I want to study.
Prepared 22.12.2022.
The final year of the ESF project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” will start in October.
Within the project, a professional bachelor level study programme “Environmental Innovation Technologies” has been developed, which is also included in the accredited study direction “Environmental Protection”.
The accreditation process for two study fields – “Arts” and “Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science” – has been initiated, which include two other study programmes developed within the project. The professional bachelor level study programme “Intelligent Technologies and Mechatronics” has been developed in cooperation with Ventspils University College and is included in the “Information Technologies, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science” field of study. The programme is offered in Latvian and English. Students have already started their studies and the programme is being validated.
The doctoral programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies”, developed in cooperation with the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences is included in the “Arts” stream. The doctoral programme is offered in English.
Prepared 26.09.2022.
As of September 1st, 2022, Associate Professor Dr.biol. Māra Zeltiņa. The programme is offered in Latvian and English. The accreditation process for the study programme “Environmental Protection” has been completed and accreditation has been granted for two years.
The accreditation process for two study fields – “Arts” and “Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science” – has started. The professional bachelor level study programme “Intelligent Technologies and Mechatronics” has been developed in cooperation with Ventspils University College and is included in the “Information Technologies, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science” field of study. This programme is also offered in Latvian and English.
The doctoral programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies”, developed in cooperation with the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences is included in the “Arts” stream.
Prepared 20.06.2022.
Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU.
For the third year already the European Social Fund (ESF) funded project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing in Liepaja University” has been implemented in Liepaja University, within which three new study programmes have been developed and licensed.
Since January, all three study programmes have been validated and experts have been involved in the validation to assess the quality of the programmes.
The Acting Director of the professional bachelor level study programme “Environmental Innovation Technologies” is Mg. sc. env. Lilita Ābele. The programme is offered in Latvian and English. Professional bachelor level study programme “Intelligent Technologies and Mechatronics” is developed in cooperation with Ventspils University College and the programme director is Uldis Žaimis. This programme is also offered in Latvian and English.
In February, PhD students started their studies in the doctoral programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies”, developed in cooperation with RISEBA University of Applied Sciences. The director of the doctoral programme is Rasa Šmite.
Prepared 29.03.2022.
Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU.
For the third year already the European Social Fund (ESF) funded project “Reducing fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening resource sharing at Liepāja University” is being implemented at Liepāja University in cooperation with Ventspils University College and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences.
Three new study programmes have been developed and licensed within the project so far – the professional bachelor study programme “Smart Technologies” in cooperation with Ventspils University College, the professional bachelor study programme “Environmental Innovation Technologies” and the doctoral study programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” in cooperation with RISEBA University of Applied.
The bachelor study programmes have already started enrolling students, and the doctoral programme will start enrolling students in January 2022.
Prepared 30.12.2021.
Within the European Social Fund project SAM “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing in Liepaja University”, in which Liepaja University cooperates with Ventspils University College and RISEBA, three study programmes have been licensed.
The Bachelor study programme “Environmental Innovation Technology” together with the Master study programme “Ecotechnology” are in the study field “Environmental Protection”. The re-accreditation process is nearing completion, which is one of the deliverables of the project.
In the bachelor study programme “Smart Technologies” there is active cooperation between LiepU and Ventspils University College – 4 study courses are taught by lecturers of VUC.
Both bachelor study programmes, “Environmental Innovation Technologies” and “Smart Technologies”, have started the approval process.
The doctoral programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” will start enrolling students in January, when Liepāja and RISEBA are planning their winter intake.
Liepaja University and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences have received a licence for the implementation of a new study programme.
The joint doctoral study programme will be implemented together with RISEBA University of Applied Sciences – “Media Arts and Creative Technologies”. The programme will provide an opportunity to obtain a Ph.D. degree in creative industries. The programme will be conducted in English. This programme has also been developed within the project SAM “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing at LiepU”.
Prepared 26.04.2021.
Within the project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” (SAM a joint doctoral study programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” has been developed by the University of Liepaja (LiepU) and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (RISEBA) in the field of study “Arts”.
On 17 March, the Higher Education Quality Agency held a meeting of the Study Quality Commission, which adopted a positive decision on the licensing of the programme.
Prepared 26.03.2021.
Within the project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” (SAM an interdisciplinary PhD programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” has been prepared and submitted for licensing. The new study programme will be implemented jointly by two higher education institutions: the University of Liepaja and RISEBA.
The project is now working on the development of the approval procedure in order to start the approval of the study programme “Media Arts and Creative Technologies” in the new academic year.
Prepared 28.12.2020.
“Media Arts and Creative Technologies” is a newly established interdisciplinary doctoral program in Latvia. Two universities, University of Liepāja and RISEBA, will jointly host the new doctoral program. For the first time in Latvia, the new program will offer a doctoral degree in artistic research that combines artist’s creative practice, scientific and technological innovation, and critically analytical research methodology. The program’s graduates will be awarded with a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in “Other humanities and arts, including creative industries.”
Contemporary culture and economy demand versatile, independent, and capable specialists in digital media and audio-visual arts who can work creatively and productively with a wide range of innovative technologies. To prepare such specialists is the goal of the new doctoral program, developed by leading professors from both universities in collaboration with colleagues from other schools in Latvia and abroad.
The goal of the new doctoral program is to train competitive professionals – artists who will obtain a versatile skill set, knowledge, and experience in production of innovative media and art works, creative projects management, artistic research, and production of new knowledge.
Potential career paths with a degree from the new doctoral program include a successful individual career in the labour market for arts, media, innovative technologies, and creative industries as well as an academic career in higher education. The graduates of the new program will be well-prepared to take part in shaping contemporary culture in the widest sense of the word, including through their potential to work as experts, consultants, policy-makers, project evaluators, and initiators of various innovations in numerous local, national, EU, and international organizations.
The new doctoral program aims to become one of the leading innovative and international programs of this kind in northern Europe. The teaching language is English because it allows it to open to international students as well as to employ invited guest professors from abroad. The program is planning collaboration with the Aalto University in Helsinki (Finland), Technological University Dublin (Ireland), Oslo MET (Norway) and others. The collaborative network guarantees that the graduates will be well-versed in the international media art circuit and will be able to give original contributions to the further development of education in media arts and creative technologies.
Rasa Šmite
Within the project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” (SAM, work continues on the development of the joint doctoral study programme “New Media Arts” in cooperation with the University of Liepaja.
The working group, which includes experts from both the University of Liepaja and RISEBA, has developed a licensing package. The new study programme was presented at the Liepaja University Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The work on the new programme is nearing completion.
Prepared 26.03.2020.
Within the project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing LiepU” (SAM, work continues on the development of the joint doctoral study programme “New Media Arts” in cooperation with the University of Liepaja.
In October, the working group started to work with experts who contribute to the preparation of the programmes. At this time, the concept of the new study programme has been developed and course descriptions are being prepared. Active work is underway to develop a licensing package to allow the programme to be licensed in the spring.
Prepared 11.12.2019.
RISEBA in cooperation with the University of Liepaja has started work on the European Social Fund (ESF) funded project “Reducing fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening resource sharing at Liepaja University”.
The aim of the project is to reduce fragmentation of study programmes and strengthen resource sharing by creating conceptually new quality study programmes. The implementation of the project is in line with the specific support objective defined in SAM 8.2.1 and is in line with the strategic objectives of higher education in Latvia (Education Development Guidelines 2014-2020; Science, Technology Development and Innovation Guidelines 2014-2020). Current trends in the implementation of education policy foresee the strengthening of strategic areas of specialisation of universities, increasing the quality of studies and ensuring practice- and research-based studies.
In cooperation with the University of Liepaja, a joint doctoral study programme “New Media Arts” will be newly established.
The project is expected to run until 30 September 2023.
The implementation of the ESF project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing at LiepU” continues.Within the project “Reduction of fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening of resource sharing at Liepaja University” (SAM, in cooperation with the University of Liepaja, work on the development of the joint doctoral study programme “New Media Arts” continues.
In August, an expert from the RIXC network of art, science and cultural innovation started working in the New Media Arts working group and contributed to the preparation of the programme. The experts are preparing for their trips abroad, which will identify best practices in foreign universities.
The project aims to reduce fragmentation of study programmes and strengthen resource sharing by creating conceptually new quality study programmes.