My Personal Transnational Mobility Assistant (PTMA) (Erasmus+)
Project title: Erasmus+, My Personal Transnational Mobility Assistant (PTMA). Preparing & Accompanying Cross Sectoral Transnational Mobility in a Covid World
Agreement: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000086600
Project duration: 09/2022-08/2025
Project partners: APRECA (France), RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), CEDIT- Centro Diffusione Imprenditoriale Della Toscana Scarl (Italy), European placement Network Germany GMbh (Germany), AM Transnational (Spain), Klara Teoriska Gymnasium Vallgatan (Sweden), ACU Managament Ireland Limited (Ireland), Skref fyrir Skref ehf/Step by Step (Iceland)
Description: Since the onset of COVID-19, there has been a dramatic reduction in the number of transnational mobility opportunities for learners across all sectors.
The primary objective ofPTMAis to use digital technologies to prepare & accompany potential mobilityparticipants so they have the confidence to take part safely in transnational mobility &/or inperson/hybrid work-based learning experiences.
For this purpose we willcreate a multi-format smartphone app with customisable scenarios & solutions, access tokey documents & one-touch messaging with identified contacts. We will also design multi-access interactive mobility preparation modules for trainees & a pedagogical guide for educators.
As for the expected results, we are aiming toproduce:
· Multi-format ‘Personal Transnational Mobility Assistant’smartphone app.
· Preparing for transnational mobility. Multi-access interactive learning modules: Pedagogical Guide for Educators.
· Preparing for transnational mobility. 5 Multi-access interactive learning modules for Learners: Preparing for Transnational Mobility.
All the PTMA results will be digitally based, open-source, available in 8 languages & tested by 48 learners & 16 tutors in the pilot studies across the 8 countries of the partnership. The PTMA results will be adaptable to other sectors, dramatically increasing the potential impact & underlining the cross-sectoral dimension of the project.
To follow the project & for up-to-date news about the project, click on the Facebook link:
PTMA homepage