MEDIA (Erasmus+)

Erasmus+ CBHE “Strengthening the Quality of Online Education in HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” – MEDIA

Full project title: Erasmus+ CBHE “Strengthening the Quality of Online Education in HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” – MEDIA

Agreement: 101082889, ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-3

Project duration: 02/2023-01/2027

Project partners: Biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskola “RISEBA”, Moldova State University (MSU),  Universitatea tehnica a Moldovei (TUM), Universitatea de sta alecu russo din Balti (USARB), Brusov State University (BSU), Vanadzor State University after H.Tumanyan foundation (VSU), National polytechnic University of Armenia foundation (NPUA), Association for creative-innovation and durable development (NGO creativity), Asociatia obsteasca asociatia pentru sustinerea inovarii si dezvoltarii durabile impuls (NGO impuls), Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of the republic of Armenia (MESCS), Ministry of education culture and research (MECR),  Fachhochschule des mittelstandes (fhm) gmbh – university of applied science – (FHM), Lappeenrannan-lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT (LUT university).

Project description: The MEDIA project will create legal frameworks for digital education, transforming higher education in Armenia and Moldova to be relevant, qualitative, modern, and responsive. Unlock the best opportunities from anywhere in the world with our quality assured and accredited courses from leading universities in Moldova and Armenia. Gain a competitive edge with our courses, collaboratively designed with enterprises to meet global market demands.

MEDIA aims at supporting structural reforms in Armenia and Moldova (R2) by proposing solutions to the problems of HE national systems levels, institutional and individual levels in these countries. The project pursues an integrative approach to different levels by proposing activities aiming at the formation and further refinement of relevant frames geared at improving the quality of online education in R2 and the creation of normative framework that will stipulate conditions for the development of high-quality online synchronous and asynchronous education, build capacities on the learning analytics(LA) in online teaching-learning and deployment of the multi[1]disciplinary non-formal educational programme on digital media(DM). This reformation is needed and justified because of two respective obsolete education systems are focused predominantly on classroom teaching and learning and are outdated in terms of new realities of online education and abrupt digitalization of all the process at different levels. Expected results are numerous, the most important: 6 R2 HEIs, 8 recommendations for national policy modifications, 14 documents of institutional importance, LA MOOCs impacting at least 120 teachers, accredited in MD and validated in AM blended DM impacting 56 teachers and 450 students. Therefore, MEDIA proposal is a concrete response to this dramatic existing situation with the low quality of online teaching learning in R2 at different levels and digitalisation of HEIs in these countries. This proposal is directly linked with reforming higher education in Armenia and Moldova by relevant, qualitative, modern and responsive approaches and have capacity to bring added value forsocio-economic recovery, economic growth and prosperity by reacting to recent trends, in particular economic globalization but also to the recent decline in human development, fragility, and rising social, economic and environmental inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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