Project name: Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education “Start-Cup Academy”
Contract number: 2023-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000160254
Duration; 04/2024-12/2026
Total project budget: 250`000,00 EUR
Project partners: Lead Partner RISEBA (Latvia), BURGASKI SVOBODEN UNIVERSITET (Burgas Free University) (Bulgaria), Associazione Innovalley – ProMotori di Innovazione (Italy), IDP SAS DI GIANCARLO COSTANTINO (ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS) (Italy), INSTITUT DE HAUTE FORMATION AUX POLITIQUES COMMUNAUTAIR ES (Belgium), SVEUCILISTE U DUBROVNIKU (Croatia), INTERNET WEB SOLUTIONS SL (Spain), University of Customs and Finance (Ukraine)
Project purpose: The project aims to promote the development of startups by providing training and support to potential startup founders in developing their business model and participating in startup competitions. The objectives include the development of a joint model with universities, business incubators and companies; the development of student-centred entrepreneurship curricula; the training of academics in innovative pedagogies; the provision of hands-on training in startup competitions; and the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit of students at the university.
Project purpose: The aim of the project is to promote the development of start-ups by providing training and support to potential start-up founders in developing their business model and participating in start-up competitions. The objectives include developing a common model with universities, business incubators and companies; developing student-centred entrepreneurship curricula; training academics in innovative pedagogies; offering hands-on training in startup competitions; and fostering students’ entrepreneurial spirit at university.
Sasniedzamie rezultāti: Analizēs universitāšu atbalstu startapiem, identificējot trūkumus agrīnās attīstības posmā.
Izstrādās visaptverošu apmācību programmu, kuru pārbaudīs un validēs 180 mērķa grupas.
Izveidos vadlīnijas augstākās izglītības sektoram, inkubatoriem un speciālistu apmācību pakalpojumu sniedzējiem.
Izstrādās politikas dokumentu “Start Cup Academy Manifesto” ar politikas ieteikumiem.
Izveidos modeļa struktūru Start Cup Academy mobilitātei, lai nodrošinātu projekta ilgtspēju.
Paredzamie rezultāti ietver:
- Starta kausa modelis un mehānisms
- Apstiprināta Start Cup Akadēmijas mācību programma, apmācības saturs un rīki
- Darbības vadlīnijas praktiķiem un politikas veidotājiem
- Starta kausa mobilitātes modelis
Projekta mājaslapa: