BT4VET (Erasmus+)

Project name: BT4VET – Business,Transformation of VET
Contract number: 2024-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000254068
Duration: 01.11.2024.-31.10.2026. (24 months)
Total project budget: 250`000,00 EUR
Project partners: lead partner IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Friuli Venezia Giulia S.r.l. Impresa Sociale

Project objective:

In line with the EU, which recognises the increasingly important role of VET in the socio-economic and labour market context, the implementation of BT4VET aims to give a decisive boost to the innovative character of the VET system, to improve its attractiveness and make it an active player in the digital transformation process. This is done by sustainably.

WP2, A2.1: Develop VET Business Index; A2.2: Classify business operating models for VET. WP3, A3.1: Develop business transformation model for VET; A3.2: Develop application package BT4VET. WP4, A4.1: Develop the Digital Warehouse;

A4.2: Pilot implementation of the Model and Operational Package; A4.3: Finalise Model and Operational Package based on the results of the validation phase. WP5, A5.1: Develop Feasibility Study; A5.2: Implement Business Plan.

Results to be achieved:

WP2, R2.1: VET Business Index; R2.2: Business Operations and Models for VET Taxonomy. WP3, R3.1: Business

Transformation Model for VET Operators; R3.2: BT4VET Business Suite. WP4, R4.1: BT4VET Digital Warehouse; R4.2:

Interim reports and final evaluation of the Model and Suite; R4.3: BT4VET FINAL and VALIDATED Model and Operational Package. WP5, R5.1: Feasibility Study; R5.2: Business Plan Implementation Report.

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