RISEBA’s objectives in science and research:
- promote quality in research,
- support teaching staff and researchers in developing scientific impact and high-quality publications,
- improve the qualification and competencies of teaching staff and researchers,
- ensure greater impact in the primary branches of science in the business environment and in wider society by implementing the new Research and Innovation Strategy.
The University carries out scientific research activities in the social sciences (Faculty of Business and Economics) and arts and humanities (Faculty of Media and Creative Technologies, Faculty of Architecture and Design). The long-term objective of RISEBA University is to make scientific research activities an integral part of the study process and all study programmes.
Scientific research activities at RISEBA include:
- active work in scientific research projects;
- participation of researchers and teaching staff in international scientific and academic conferences, art and architecture symposia, exhibitions, competitions, audiovisual festivals and shows in Latvia and abroad;
- preparation of scientific publications by researchers and teaching staff and their publication in highly quoted peer-reviewed scientific journals, the creation of films, theatre performances and events.
The University encourages the creation of intellectual contribution:
- scientific publications in international scientific journals;
- participation in international scientific conferences, symposia, competitions, exhibitions in Latvia and abroad;
- management of research projects and programmes of the Latvian Science Council and other national research programmes or participation in their implementation, including artistic and architectural projects;
- patents and licences;
- publicly displayed creative works.
RISEBA’s research areas are:
- Strategic Business Management
- Macroeconomics and Business Environment
- Human Resources Management
- Psychology and Supervision in Business
- Communication, Digital Technologies and Innovation
- Finance, Accounting and Audit
- Media Arts and Creative Technologies
- Architecture, Urban Planning and Design
Business modelling, dynamic capabilities and value innovation leading to a competitive advantage for a company have seen rapid development in strategic management science over the last twenty years. The subject of research focuses on the creation and development of competitive advantage based on the ability to apply and transform the company’s resources (including cultural resources) and will illustrate the dynamic ability of the company to adapt to changing market conditions optimally and in a timely manner.
The real options theory has experienced dynamic global development in recent years. The inclusion of real options analysis allows one to assess more optimal strategic alternatives, more profitable investment projects and to identify the most important drivers of business value creation.
The aim of the field is to promote scientific research in strategic management by developing the scientific activity of the academic Bachelor’s programme “European Business Studies”, Master’s programmes “Strategic Business Management”, “Health Management”, “Sports Management” and Doctoral programme “Business Management”, involving students, graduates and cooperation partners in research work.

Head of the field:
Prof., Dr Andrejs Čirjevskis
Participants, partners:
Andrejs Davidovičs, Doctoral student
Julija Novinkina, Doctoral student
Assoc. Prof. Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Nagpur (India)
The aim of the field is to carry out applied research in micro and macroeconomics, entrepreneurship, including family business, and corporate finance. In this field, the most relevant research topics for the economy of Latvia and the EU are selected,
for example, economic and business development perspectives in the context of deglobalisation trends and Russia’s war in Ukraine; application of generative artificial intelligence in company operations.

Head of the field:
Prof., Dr Anatolijs Prohorovs
Participants, partners:
Dr Levs Fainglozs, RISEBA
Valerija Kozlova, Doctoral student
Dr Marina Solesvik, Assoc. Prof., Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Dr Julija Bistrova, Professor of Innovation and Management, RTU
In many Latvian organisations, HR management is still undervalued as a strategically important business function that can make a significant contribution to improving efficiency. The latest global achievements in HR management and their role in organisational development are not sufficiently communicated and understood in Latvia.
The aim of the research field is to adapt global achievements to Latvian organisations and, by examining Latvian companies, to contribute to the development of HR management theory and approaches. The main tasks of the field are to identify the contribution and potential of human resources to the development and competitiveness of organisations.
The rationale of the research field is related to one of the objectives of the Latvian Association for People Management “to promote the professional view of human resource management and the role of the profession in raising public and employer awareness of quality human resource management”.
Current research topics:
- HR Analytics;
- employee engagement and the factors that influence it;
- performance management;
- organisational design;
- organisation and contribution of remote work;
- gamification as a tool to improve employee engagement, including human resource management;
- generational differences in the labour market and organisations;
- employer image;
- management decision-making and awareness;
- embodied cognition

Head of the field:
Prof., Dr. Iveta Ludviga
Agita Kalviņa, Doctoral student at LU, Director of the Latvian School of Public Administration
Inese Slūka, Mg. soc., Doctoral student, RISEBA Programme Director
Ingrīda Rone, MBA, Doctoral student
Edgars Joksts-Bogdanovs, Doctoral student at RISEBA
Sanita Leimane, Doctoral student at RISEBA
Irina Serbinenko, Doctoral student at RISEBA
Students of the Master’s programme “Human Resource Management”
Latvian Association for People Management; Torun University, Poland; Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal; Lyon Catholic University, France; EHRM (European Human resource Management) project, Italy (LUISS Business School), Belgium (VLERIC Business School), Germany (University of Bamberg), Netherlands (Radbound University Nijmegen); teaching staff involved in EHRM project, students (RISEBA Master’s programme) involved in the EHRM project
The aim of the field is to promote scientific research in business psychology and supervision by developing scientific activity in the academic Bachelor’s programme “Business Psychology” and the Master’s programme “Management Psychology and Supervision”, involving students, graduates and cooperation partners in research work.
The “Business Psychology” programme is currently one of the most popular Bachelor’s programmes at RISEBA. The Master’s programme “Management Psychology and Supervision” was successfully implemented in 2015.
In order to develop research in the subfields of business psychology and supervision, it is important to organise regular conferences, publish scientific materials and research results in internationally recognised journals. It is important to involve not only academic staff but also different students in research work.
Lūcija Rutka, Dr psych. Faculty of Business and Economics, Professor, Rector, Senior Researcher
Solveiga Blumberga, Dr psych., Assoc. Prof.;
Raina Vīra, Dr paed.
Valērijs Dombrovskis Mg. psych.
Elvis Dibaņins, Mg. man., Mg. Iur.
Līga Barone, Mg. sc. administr.
Sanita Leimane
Airisa Šteinderga, Dr paed. RTU, Anete Hofmane, Mg. psych, Mg. sc. adminstr. RTU, Ilze Dreifelde LSA, Baiba Pumpiņa, Mg. paed. RSU.
The aim of the strand is to promote research in the application and development of innovations, digital tools and artificial intelligence, their integration into the learning environment, business, communication and marketing, to evaluate the potential of innovations, to educate students and society about the field in general, and to attract funding for European Union projects.
Research on innovation, business and communication technologies makes a significant contribution to organisations and economies in a variety of contexts to improve products, services, marketing and other business processes.
We invite the researchers to submit the articles to the next JBM volumes on the topics regarding to Business Management and to the Special Issue devoted to Communication, Digital Technology, and Innovation.
This Special Issue seeks to unite academics in a discussion regarding further the understanding of the behavioral, social, and economic processes at the intersection of communication, digital technology, and innovation. Major topics of interest integrate the impact of digitalization on collaborative strategies and communication systems. Within this context, scholars will delve into various aspects, including how these changes influence cooperation, coordination, competitive challenges, and opportunities. Their examination will focus on the intricate relationship between social dynamics, technology, and organizational elements that shape collaboration in the modern digital era. Responsible Editor of the Special Issue RISEBA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valters Kaže.
More information here: Call for papers | JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Head of the field:
Asoc. Prof. Dr. Valters Kaže
RISEBA Asoc. Prof. Almir Peštek
RISEBA Asoc. Prof. Ioseb Gabelaia
RISEBA doktorante Sandra Starke
RISEBAS lect. Artis Eglītis
RISEBA lect. Dr. Guna Matule
RISEBA lect. Lidija Semjonova
Master’s and Bachelor’s students
Latvian Association of Marketing Professionals, Dr. Ester Bardone, University of Tartu (Estonia); Dominika Zagrodzka, University of Silesia (Poland); PhD Håkan Jönsson, Lund University (Sweden); Asoc.prof., Dr. Jānis Kārkliņš, BSA; Prof. Biruta Sloka, LU
The relevance of this research area is based on the continuous development of the financial and banking systems and their interaction with the external environment. Obviously, the series of shocks due to crises, including the COVID 19 pandemic, has called for new regulatory approaches, which are currently focused on achieving financial stability, overcoming pro-cyclicality, mainly in the banking sector. One of the most recent directions in the regulation of the banking sphere is the introduction of international standards for banking supervision recommended by the Basel Committee, which have transformed from Basel 1, Basel 2, Basel 2.5 and Basel 3 to Basel 4. The Basel 3 and Basel 4 Standards are dedicated to increasing requirements in the area of financial risk management, requirements for assessing and managing banking sector risk, ensuring adequate levels of capital and liquidity, including a specific management regime for the post-crisis period.

Head of the field:
Asoc. Prof. Dr. Natālija Konovalova
Aina Čaplinska, Daugavpils University
Dr. Mustafa Akan, Haliç University (Turkey)
Dr. Emil Velinov, SKODA AUTO University (Czech Republic)
Dr. Svetlana Saksonova, University of Latvia
Damira Aubakirova, PhD student, Almaty Management University (Kazakhstan)
Bachelor and Master study programme students
Halic University, Istanbul, Turkey; SKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic; Copernican University, Torun, Poland; University of Vaasa, Finland; School of Accounting and Finance, Vaasa, Finland.
The aim of the research and artistic creativity of the “Art” study field is to develop research based on creative practices, which would use digital innovation and transformation, and which would be aimed at social inclusion, the development of creative industries and the promotion of change in education, as well as the development of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR and xR) and artificial intelligence (AI) prototypes.
Within the framework of the study field “Arts”, the University organises scientific research and artistic creativity works, and attracts scientific and other projects in accordance with
the accredited study field. Practice-based research has become relevant in the last ten years, as more and more practitioners
of creative industries want to study in the Doctoral programmes, as well as use scientific approaches and methods in the creation of their art and/or other AV/D cultural objects, thus creating new types of knowledge.
Within the framework of the field, the joint scientific journal “ADAM Arts” of the Faculty of Architecture and Design is published, scientific conferences are held, publications for internationally recognised magazines and leading professionally orientated media are developed.

Head of the field:
Doc. Aigars Ceplītis
Rasa Šmite
Jānis Holšteins
Dr Ellen Pearlman
Dr Chris Hales, Doctoral students
Simona Orinska and Multimedia Performance Group (Margita Zālīte, Ineta Sipunova, Laine Kristberga, Alvis Misjuns); Dr art Raitis Šmits (assoc. prof.); Liepaja University
The main areas of this research field are the consolidation of architecture and engineering
sciences and the influence of environmental disciplines on the development of architecture within the paradigm shift of resource saving and sustainability.
The aim of the field is to promote scientific research in architecture and design – to explore the aspects of creating the physical environment, combining it with media artists’ simulation and modifying models in the virtual environment, as well as to analyse the economic interests of market participants.
Studies on the history of urban planning and architecture in the twentieth century not only serve as reference material for future researchers but also as guidelines for correcting future mistakes.
Within the framework of the field, the joint scientific journal “ADAM Arts” is published, scientific conferences are held, the annual scientific conference in architecture and design RIXARCH is implemented, publications for internationally recognised magazines and leading professionally orientated media are developed.

Head of the field:
Doc. Dr. Efe Duyan
Rudolfs Dainis Šmits
Zane Vēja
Anna Saurova
Bachelor’s and Master’s students