Development of value-based skills to increase the quality of human capital
Project name
“Development of value-based skills to increase the quality of human capital”
Project number
Project start date
Project end date

The aim of the project is to develop a practical tool that would help individuals, employers, education institutions and public authorities to benefit from the understanding of the labour market and develop the necessary skills. The prototype IT matrix developed during the project will improve the quality of human capital by motivating the development of necessary skills through retraining and lifelong learning. Using image collage-based value measurements, the IT matrix will allow citizens to identify the skills that will be in high demand in the future. It will allow employers to manage retraining for the skills that will be needed following the rise of smart technologies, and public authorities to engage the long-term unemployed or economically inactive population and get accurate information regarding education priorities for budget funding.
Planned activities within the project:
- Extracting values by means of images;
- Validation of the image test against the verbal value test;
- Conducting a quality assessment of the results to determine values using images;
- Analytical review of existing skills assessment tools;
- Research on current challenges in the application of skills in everyday life;
- Research design development on linking skills to values;
- Conducting a survey of key labour market participants;
- Making conclusions about the skill-matching level in general and in individual groups, the impact of mismatch on training programmes;
- Creation of a motivation programme for employees and residents.
Total funding EUR 452 491.96, including ERDF funding up to EUR 63 418.70 (Round 2 of Measure “Practical orientated research” of Specific Support Objective 1.1.1. “To increase the research and innovation capacity of the Latvian scientific institutions and their ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure” of the Programme “Employment and Growth”, European Regional Development Fund).
More information on the Practical Orientated Research event is available on the website of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA).
The project manager from the cooperation partner SIA “RISEBA University of Applied Sciences” involved in the project
Project Manager Olga Dmitrijeva
Project coordinator Elīna Dubinska
Since April 2019, the general partnership PS “Motival Development” in cooperation with SIA “Aptauju centrs” and SIA “RISEBA University of Applied Sciences”, implements ERDF-funded project “Development of Value-Based Skills to Increase the Quality of Human Capital”.
Within the framework of the project, a unique social technology is being developed – a practical tool that would help individuals, employers, education institutions and public authorities to benefit from an understanding of the labour market and develop the necessary skills. The prototype developed during the project will improve the quality of human capital by motivating the development of necessary skills through retraining and lifelong learning.
Using image collage-based value measurements, the IT matrix will allow citizens to identify the skills that will be in high demand in the future. It will allow employers to manage retraining for the skills that will be needed following the rise of smart technologies, and public authorities to engage the long-term unemployed or economically inactive population and get accurate information regarding education priorities for budget funding.
Currently, in the early stages of the project, a number of activities have already been carried out to achieve the set objectives, including: an analytical review of the existing skills assessment tools has been carried out in cooperation between the researchers-project participants, the value extraction with the help of images and the validation of the image test against the verbal value test has been carried out, and the development of the prototype IT matrix has been started.
The project involves a research team consisting of:
- Senior Researcher Dr. oec. Jevgenijs Kurovs;
- Researcher Mg. psych. Anna Strazda;
- Researcher Mg. psych. Olga Dzene;
- Researcher Mg. oec. Elīna Dubinska.
In order to discuss the progress of the project, research meetings are held every two weeks, during which the most important results and the progress of the project are discussed.
The research team is now actively working on the project’s objectives and the first results are expected soon.
In the course of the project, an extensive literature review and analysis of the project’s topics has been carried out, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with company managers and top-level human resource management specialists.
For the purposes of the research project, new classifications (e.g., skills and values) are being developed.
The research team is currently preparing two publications and is actively working on the analysis of the interviews and the conceptual design of the study.
Since April 2019, the general partnership PS “Motival Development” in cooperation with SIA “Aptauju centrs” and SIA “RISEBA University of Applied Sciences”, implements ERDF-funded project “Development of Value-Based Skills to Increase the Quality of Human Capital”.
Within the framework of the project, a unique social technology is being developed – a practical tool that would help individuals, employers, education institutions and public authorities to benefit from an understanding of the labour market and develop the necessary skills. The prototype developed during the project will improve the quality of human capital by motivating the development of necessary skills through retraining and lifelong learning.
Using image collage-based value measurements, the IT matrix created during the project will allow citizens to identify the skills that will be in high demand in the future. It will allow employers to manage retraining for the skills that will be needed following the rise of smart technologies, and public authorities to engage the long-term unemployed or economically inactive population and get accurate information regarding education priorities for budget funding.
Currently, within the framework of the project, a number of activities have already been carried out to achieve the set objectives, including: an initial study on the side of employees and the interviews with employers have been carried out, the prototype IT matrix has been developed and a scientific publication has been prepared on the results of the research.
Despite the pandemic, researchers are working hard to create a unique technology that can make a significant contribution to the recovery and further growth of societies and economies in the post-crisis environment.