Summaries of dissertations defended at the RISEBA Promotion Council “Management Science”
Interested individuals are invited to apply for a face-to-face or online doctoral defence by making their interest known in writing no later than five working days before the date set for the doctoral defence. Please send an e-mail to the RISEBA Research Department.
“Effects of Strategic Management Accounting on the Financial Performance of Low-Cost Airlines”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“The impact of strategic leadership on creating shared value”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“The Impact of entrepreneurship education based on digital solutions on the promotion of entrepreneurial intention of Generation Z”.
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“Impact assesment of intellectual capital on business performance”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“Enablers of Impactful Corporate Decisions for Non-State Social Protection”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“Criteria for Assessing the Founders of Start-ups by Business Angel for Making Investments” 2023.
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“Long-lived non-financial asset management within the system of corporate governance” 2022.
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
“Craft entrepreneurship: a value-based perspective” 2022.
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
“Multilevel Framework for Quality Entrepreneurship: The Role of Networking and National Institute Environment”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Marius Schönberger
“The performance impact of computer system validation on the business value of SMEs”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Viktors Turlais
“The impact of Transformational leadership on building an organizational climate for creativity”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Jūlija Jacquemod
“Leader-member Exchange and organisational trust as context related micro-foundations of organisational innovativeness”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Elīna Miķelsone
“Impact of Idea Management System Application Type on Idea Management Results in Enterprises”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Pierre Keller
“The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education Awareness Seminars on Discrete Emotions and Intentions of Business and Non-business Students”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Inita Henilane
“Evaluation of the suitability of the introduction of long-term housing financing instruments in Latvia“
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Anita Gaile
“Interaction of personal career behaviours and values of an individual and
effect thereof on subjective career success“
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Valters Bolēvics
“The Impact of Governance on Port Performance”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Iveta Cīrule
“The impact of university business incubators on the performance of young entrepreneurs”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Daniel Kleber
“Value co-creation as a management tool to increase value proposition”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available šeit
Natālija Cudečka-Puriņa
“Ensuring municipal waste management sustainability by administration of landfill management companies”. 2018.
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available šeit
Iļja Arefjevs
“Evaluation of the efficiency of operations of managers of pension funds in alliance with banks”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Artūrs Barbars
“The influence of organizational culture on employee engagement in the information and communication technology industry in Latvia”
Inga Jākobsone
“Design as a strategic tool in business management ant its role in business development in the Baltic states”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Arnis Lagzdiņš
“Compliance risk management in the Latvian commercial banks”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Lotārs Dubkēvičs
“Interrelation Management of Organizational Culture and Climate for Creativity for State Theatres in Latvia”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Signe Enkuzena
“Management Training evaluation in Service Sector Enterprises in Latvia and Possibilities of Its Improvement”
The summary of the doctoral thesis here
Anatolijs Prohorovs
“Problems and solutions to the attraction of venture capital funds and informal venture capital”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Ilmārs Puriņš
“Decision –Making Process in Household Credit Granting its Efficiency”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Marija Lindemane
“Financial Services Export Potential in Latvia”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Iveta Ludviga
“Competitive Advantage Creation Based on National Cultural Identities”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here
Jekaterina Kuzmina
“Usage of Risk Measures in Management of Investment Portfolios: Case of Insurance Companies”
The summary of the doctoral thesis is available here