Irina Senņikova

Acting Rector, Member of the Board, Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs, Lead Researcher

Dr.oec. Irina Senņikova has been working at RISEBA since its foundation. Irina Senņikova holds a Master’s degree in English Philology, an MBA degree and a PhD in Management in the field of Intellectual Entrepreneurship.

Irina Senņikova lectures in management, leadership and organisation management and is invited to guest lecture at the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. Irina Senņikova has attended various development programmes: in 2002 she participated in the International Faculty Development Programme (IFDP) at IESE Barcelona, and in 2005 she took part in the European Entrepreneurship Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning (EECPCL) at Harvard Business School.

Irina Sennikova is a member of Latvian State Scientific Qualification Commiteee. She has been a founding member of International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) and is a Senior Enterprise Fellow at University of Essex, School of Entrepreneurship and Business, UK. She is a Chair of the EQUAL board and a member of CEEMAN Accreditation Committee.

Irina Senņikova’s research interests are mainly in leadership and intellectual entrepreneurship. She is also involved in organizational research, exploring issues related to employee motivation, staff turnover and management and other related issues.

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