Module 1: Public Health and Health Policy (RSU)
Public health and epidemiology
Health economics
Module 2: Healthcare Management (RISEBA)
Business management and strategy in healthcare organisations
Strategic human resource management
Project management in healthcare
Module 3: Health Economics and Law (RSU)
Legal aspects of health management
Health system design
Managing organisational performance and quality in healthcare
Module 4: Financial Management and Leadership in Healthcare (RISEBA)
Financial management in healthcare companies. Leadership and change management
Module 5: Health Systems and Organisations Performance Management (RSU)
Health technology assessment
Information management in healthcare
Performance management in healthcare
Pharmaceutical economics and policy
Module 6: Health Management Marketing and Projects (RISEBA)
Marketing management in healthcare
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Developing effective managerial skills
Ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability
Module 7: Professional choice (students choose 1 of 3 specialisations)
1. Economic Modelling in Healthcare (RSU)
2. Digital Health (RSU)
3. Business, Healthcare Organisation Management and Administration (RISEBA)
Module 8: Internship and Master’s Thesis
Professional internship
Master’s thesis
Fundamentals of Economics
For students with no prior knowledge of economics only (introductory course in distance learning format; additional contract required).