Health Management

Academic master’s programme 80 KP / 120 ECTS

This is the first double degree programme in Latvia, implemented by RISEBA together with the Faculty of Medicine of Riga Stradiņš University (RSU), and the only one of its kind in Latvia and the Baltics.

Accredited: until 14 October 2027


General information

  • Beginning:
    From September 1
  • Duration:
    2 years
  • Type:
  • Language:
    English (full-time evening studies), Latvian (full-time evening studies)
  • Credit points:
    80 KP / 120 ECTS
  • Programme degree:
    Master of Social Sciences in Management and Administration
  • Fee:
    Citizens and permanent residents of Latvia, as well as citizens of other EU, EEA, and EU candidate countries:
    3300 EUR (Full-time evening, Latvian) ( 2 years)
    4500 EUR (Full-time evening, English) ( 2 years)

    Other countries:
    4500 EUR (Full-time evening, English) ( 2 years)

This is the first double degree programme in Latvia, implemented by RISEBA together with the Faculty of Medicine of Riga Stradiņš University (RSU), and the only one of its kind in Latvia and the Baltics. The study programme provides theoretical knowledge of health management and its practical application, based on a European and international approach to health systems management. The programme also increases the professional and managerial knowledge of both those working in the health sector and those who only plan to link their activities with the healthcare system. Students acquire the skills needed in the field to develop and analyse health sector policies, manage public and private institutions, plan financial and human resources, apply health economics methods, and design health system processes.

Partner University:

Admission rules

Please read the admission rules published on our website under Study at RISEBA -> Admission rules

These are full-time studies that take place on Friday evenings and Saturdays. Lectures are delivered by highly regarded lecturers in medicine and healthcare, providing up-to-date, relevant study material. The studies include lectures, practical classes, group exercises, case studies, interactive discussions, individual assignments and lectures by guest lecturers from the health sector. The programme also includes a professional internship, which allows a student to apply what he/she has learned during its studies in real life and which can be an important step in the future career in the health sector.

Module 1: Public Health and Health Policy (RSU)

Public health and epidemiology

Health economics

Module 2: Healthcare Management (RISEBA)

Business management and strategy in healthcare organisations

Strategic human resource management 

Project management in healthcare

Module 3: Health Economics and Law (RSU)

Legal aspects of health management

Health system design

Managing organisational performance and quality in healthcare

Module 4: Financial Management and Leadership in Healthcare (RISEBA)

Financial management in healthcare companies. Leadership and change management

Module 5: Health Systems and Organisations Performance Management (RSU)

Health technology assessment

Information management in healthcare

Performance management in healthcare 

Pharmaceutical economics and policy

Module 6: Health Management Marketing and Projects (RISEBA)

Marketing management in healthcare

Qualitative and quantitative research methods

Developing effective managerial skills

Ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability

Module 7: Professional choice (students choose 1 of 3 specialisations)

1. Economic Modelling in Healthcare (RSU)

2. Digital Health (RSU)

3. Business, Healthcare Organisation Management and Administration (RISEBA)

Module 8: Internship and Master’s Thesis

Professional internship

Master’s thesis

Fundamentals of Economics

For students with no prior knowledge of economics only (introductory course in distance learning format; additional contract required).

Graduates can work in leading administrative positions in health care institutions, health care management institutions, health insurance institutions and municipalities.

After graduation, a student can continue education in the doctoral programme “Business Management”.

Any student of the master’s programme who has completed at least one year of study can participate in the Erasmus+ exchange programme.
A student can go to study at one of RISEBA’s partner universities. The duration of study mobility is 2–12 months.
The student does not have to pay for the period spent in the study and internship exchange programme abroad; the tuition fee is covered by the partner university, but the student continues to pay the RISEBA tuition fee. For the period spent abroad during mobility, the student is awarded an Erasmus+ scholarship to cover the costs of transport and accommodation.
* Erasmus+ internship mobility provides that a student can undergo an internship in one of the companies of interest in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries. For this internship period, the student receives an Erasmus+ scholarship. The duration of internship mobility is 2–12 months.
Find out more about Erasmus+ and how to apply here!

Marija Janova
Senior study programme administrator
108, Meža iela 3
Monta Sapata
Senior study programme administrator
108, Meža iela 3

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