
Remember about water pollution!

Remember about water pollution!

Every month, the RISEBA Eco Council focuses on an important sustainability topic. In February, we ask you to remember water pollution.

Water pollution poses a serious threat to the environment, aquatic organisms and human health. It occurs when pollution enters water bodies such as rivers, lakes and oceans, leading to degraded ecosystems and a lack of clean drinking water. By understanding the causes of water pollution and taking practical steps to prevent it, we can all create a future with cleaner waters.

Water pollution can come from many sources, including:

  • Industrial waste: Factories that discharge pollutants directly into water bodies without treatment;
  • Agricultural runoff: pesticides and fertilisers that end up in rivers and streams;
  • Household waste: improper disposal of chemicals, medicines and personal care products;
  • Plastic pollution: Plastics entering watercourses break down into microplastics and harm aquatic organisms.

The fight against water pollution is not just the responsibility of governments or large corporations; it is a collective action that starts with the individual. By taking informed action and implementing sustainable practices, we can significantly reduce the amount of pollutants entering our water bodies.

Actions you can take to prevent water pollution:

  1. Dispose of hazardous waste such as paint, motor oil at designated waste collection points. Never dispose of them down the drain;
  2. Reduce plastic consumption: choose reusable bags, bottles and containers. Take part in or organise local clean-ups to remove plastics and other litter from beaches and water bodies;
  3. Choose biodegradable and phosphate-free cleaning products and detergents to reduce harmful chemicals in the water;
  4. Buy organic products to encourage farming practices that reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers, thereby reducing agricultural runoff;
  5. Conserve water: By using water wisely and reducing runoff, you can help prevent pollutants from leaching into water bodies.

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