RISEBA University will explore blind spots in architecture at the International Conference

The Faculty of Architecture and Design at RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology announces the 2nd International Architecture and Design Conference “RIXARCH” 2024.The conference will take place on 12-13 April 2024 in Riga and will focus on the theme “Blind spot”, which invites to explore the optical and metaphorical dimension of this concept.
The conference programme will be complemented by the exhibition “T’ Space / Steven Myron Holl Foundation”, jointly organised by the RISEBA School of Architecture and Design and the Rainbeck, New York-based gallery “T’ Space / Steven Myron Holl Foundation”, “Rome. Teacher: Astra Zariņa”, which will be on view from 14 March to 13 April 2024 at the National Library of Latvia. The exhibition will be opened by the world-renowned American architect Steven Holl. On the exhibition opening day, the Stephen Hall Lecture will take place from 17:00 – 19:00, and the gala event will take place from 19:00 – 21:00 and will include speeches and a reception.
RIXARCH 2024 will bring together a number of distinguished and internationally important speakers who will share their experience in architecture and urban planning. Steven Holl, founder of the world-renowned architecture studio Steven Holl Architects, is well known for his holistic approach to architecture, harmoniously combining spatial aesthetics and functionality. Ole Wiig, one of the founders and creative directors of NSW Architects, will present an innovative design approach to architecture. Nancy Josephson, President of the Civita Institute or Northwest Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning in Italy (NIAUSI), will offer an insight into a unique planning approach oriented towards the interaction between architecture and urban planning. Finally, Jana Jākobsone, Chief Architect of Kuldīga, a Latvian city inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, will share her experience. Kuldīga’s outstanding traditional urban heritage, illustrating architectural influences and craft traditions from the 16th to the 19th century, will underline the historical significance of the conference. “With these outstanding conference participants, RIXARCH 2024 will become an event where architectural excellence meets rich cultural heritage,” promise the organisers.
The term “Blind Spot” has two interpretations. Firstly, it refers to the physiological concept of a blind spot, which defines it as a point on the retina of the optic nerve that is insensitive to light. Secondly, it symbolises a point where a person’s vision is impaired. By interpreting the concept in this way, the organisers invite architects and designers to think beyond the traditional viewpoint and allow themselves to be unrestrictedly creative.
The RIXARCH 2024 conference focuses on the outstanding Latvian architect and educator Astra Zariņa. Born in 1929 in Riga, Astra Zariņa began her studies at the University of Washington in 1947, where she studied with architects such as Laionel Price, Wendell Lovett and Viktor Steinbruck.
The RIXARCH 2024 conference will take place on 12 and 13 April 2024 at the RISEBA Architecture and Media Centre “H2O 6”. The aim of the conference is to bring together distinguished architects and emerging researchers from the local and international architectural community, creating a platform for productive discussions on contemporary architectural issues. Representatives of all creative fields are invited to apply for the conference and to submit research briefs. All submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review. Accepted abstracts will be published in a conference abstract book, which will be available to authors on the day of the conference. In addition, authors are invited to submit full papers for publication in the 2024 special issue of the RISEBA scientific journal ADAMarts, contributing to the ongoing debate in the field of architecture.
More information, registration for the conference and guidelines for submission of abstracts are available on the conference website.
- #206 Moderator: Rolands Hartmans, Mg.Arch / Moderator: Zane Vēja Mg.Arch.
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https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84125837098?pwd=NDdUdi9aVjdNL25SbXc5OUQ2TlA1Zz09 - #209 Moderator: Ilze Rukšāne, LandscapeArchitect / Moderator: Harijs Alsiņš, AADipl
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Conference programme
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