
RISEBA participation in the project “Cooperation in Competition (Co-in-Co)

RISEBA participation in the project “Cooperation in Competition (Co-in-Co)

RISEBA is currently involved in the project “Cooperation in Competition (Co-in-Co)”, which aims to create more added value by forming clusters where competitors support each other to cooperate and benefit from their joint collaboration. This project is applicable to any sector and in Latvia we can see good examples mainly in GreenTech and other areas. The project involves cooperation between several Member States such as Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Iceland, where RISEBA is the only Latvian organisation represented.

The aim of the project is to share experience and create training materials that will help train companies in cluster activities and networking. National resources and support will be used to promote clustering and to transfer these materials to enterprises so that they can operate and benefit from cooperation.

The project is a long-term initiative that started in 2021 and will end in 2024. It aims to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on micro and small enterprises in rural areas of the Nordic and Baltic countries by promoting training in cluster work and digital skills. Co-in-Co aims to support hard-hit sectors such as tourism, agriculture, transport and retail by promoting digital skills training and creating joint solutions to problems that the participating enterprises also face in their neighbouring countries through a network of clusters. It will foster cooperation between rural and urban enterprises, digitalisation, collaboration and sustainable entrepreneurship, enabling businesses to better adapt to the changing environment created by COVID-19.

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