Plenary in Kuldīga as part of World Architecture Day

On 26 and 27 October this year, within the framework of the study courses “Cultural Heritage” and “Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Urban Environment”, students of the RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes “Architecture” took part in a two-day plenary workshop organised by the Kuldīga Municipality in cooperation with RISEBA University of Applied Sciences within the framework of the World Architecture Day.
World Architecture Day is celebrated by the International Union of Architects (UIA) on the first Monday of October every year, celebrating architecture around the world, and on this day UIA member organisations organise events and campaigns to promote architecture in society. As usual, World Architecture Day coincides with the UN World Habitat Day.

Every year, World Architecture Day provides an opportunity to draw the attention of professionals and the public to the many challenges facing cities and housing. Architects around the world are invited to highlight the role of architecture in meeting the challenges of our times through events, exhibitions, lectures and other activities.
During two days, RISEBA students participated in educational lectures and excursions on current issues of urban environment and cultural heritage, as well as worked in the practical laboratory “Volcano – a platform for culture, events – a meeting place”. The students developed proposals for architectural solutions for the former Volcano match factory site to integrate the site into the cultural fabric of the city, in the context of its history, current situation and planned function as a place for leisure and cultural enjoyment.

During the event, students had the opportunity to compare the experience of preserving the architectural cultural heritage of the cities of Kuldīga, Ventspils and Talsi.
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