
May – Clean-up and Plogging Month

May – Clean-up and Plogging Month

This month, RISEBA Eco Council invites every student and staff member to take part in clean-ups and plogging – initiatives that not only help to maintain and improve the environment, but also strengthen the connection with the community and promote physical activity.

Why Participate?

The aim of a clean-up is to clean up the environment, such as parks, forests and beaches. This activity not only has a positive impact on nature by reducing pollution and restoring natural areas, but also promotes community cohesion and a sense of belonging.

  1. Protecting the environment: by taking part in the clean-up, you help to reduce pollution and protect biodiversity. The impact of every bag of litter collected is essential to preserve nature in its pristine beauty.
  2. Community well-being: Cleaning up together strengthens community bonds, creating a feeling that together we can achieve more. Clean-ups can be a great way to meet new people and build meaningful relationships.

What is Plogging?

Plogging – combining jogging or brisk walking with litter picking – is a relatively new movement that is gaining popularity around the world. This activity contributes not only to environmental protection, but also to personal health and fitness.

  1. Physical and mental well-being: Combining Plogging with jogging or brisk walking is a fantastic way to improve cardio-health, strengthen muscles and help the environment at the same time.
  2. Positive environmental impact: Every plastic bottle or piece of paper you collect is a step closer to a cleaner and greener planet.

Your contribution can change the world – even if it seems like a small step, together we can make a difference. May is a great time to take action and contribute to positive change in our environment. Shape your future and the future of the environment – get involved in clean-ups and plogging!

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