Introducing: RISEBA Media Laboratory

On February 14, RISEBA Media Laboratory was opened at the RISEBA Architecture and Media Center H2O 6, Riga, Durbes Street 4 – an innovative infrastructure for modern solutions for media creative and research work.
The Media laboratory is located on two floors – on the first floor there is a modern room with four powerful workstations for the implementation of audiovisual projects and a digital post-production studio, but on the second floor there is a room for seminars and a recreation area. Lectures, seminars and shows for RISEBA Faculty of Media and Creative Technologies master’s and doctoral students will take place in the newly opened premises. The author of the design of the media laboratory is the architect and leading researcher of RISEBA Jānis Dripe, who has published more than 300 articles on architecture and culture in the Latvian and foreign press. Jānis Dripe has worked as the chief architect of Riga (2006-2011).

With the opening of the new premises, the doctoral program Media Art and Creative Technologies of the University RISEBA was opened, which is being implemented in cooperation with the Liepaja University. The new program offers high academic caliber academic potential as well as advanced technical infrastructure, including a new Media Lab. In this program, qualified, research-oriented professionals can combine their professional competence in a symbiosis with media and art theories, critical analysis in the field of new media, interdisciplinary art and immersive creative technologies, which can make a significant contribution both culturally and economically in Latvia and beyond borders.

Not only the administrative staff of the doctoral study program “Media Art and Creative Technologies” but also the students of the new study program and the administration of RISEBA participated in the opening of the media laboratory.