
The International Architecture and Design Conference, RIXARCH 2025, will take place at the National Library of Latvia

The International Architecture and Design Conference, RIXARCH 2025, will take place at the National Library of Latvia

On 27th of March, the National Library of Latvia will host the most important event of the year in the world of architecture and design – the International Architecture and Design Conference RIXARCH 2025. The venue for the conference is no accident, as one of the conference organisers, RISEBA University, points out; it was chosen to honour the architect of the National Library of Latvia, Gunārs Birkerts, on the occasion of his 100th birthday. This year’s conference theme, “Light matters,” highlights the significance and intangibility of light.

“I come from the North,” said Gunārs Birkerts, “where there isn’t much light, so I have an intuitive understanding of light. I know how to perceive it, reflect it, and direct it.” Gunārs Birkerts is considered a master of light, using light openings and the lighting they create for both practical and symbolic purposes in his projects. He used light to demonstrate movement, highlight, fill space, and draw attention. “Gunārs Birkerts’ architectural projects were metaphorical; they had context, and they created emotions,” emphasises Dainis Rudolfs Šmits, the Dean of RISEBA University’s Faculty of Architecture and Design, one of the conference organisers.

On 27th March, the National Library of Latvia – our Light Castle – will bring together professionals from around the world. The keynote speakers will be Martin Schwartz (USA), Dirk Jan Postel (Netherlands), Per Olaf Fjeld (Norway), and Giulio Camiz (Italy). During the conference, northern architecture masters will be honoured, and an environment will be created to inspire and learn from their experiences.

One of the most interesting events at RIXARCH 2025 will be a panel discussion, which will be open to all interested parties free of charge. “With this, we aim not only to attract professionals from our field but also residents of Riga. We want to show that architecture and design are for all of us. The theme of the conference – the updating of light as a symbol – is significant for every Latvian, regardless of their profession. Light is what makes our lives beautiful, valuable, and meaningful,” say the conference organisers.

The organisers of the conference are pleased to welcome people from various fields of interest – the ticket price is affordable: 10 euros. Representatives from all creative sectors are invited to apply for participation in the conference – please submit a brief outline of your research. All submissions will undergo double-blind scientific peer review. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, and authors will be able to access them on the day of the conference.

RIXARCH 2025 Conference organisers: RISEBA University of Business, Arts, and Technology (Faculty of Architecture and Design), the National Library of Latvia, and the foundation “Architects.”

Conference sponsors: the world’s largest manufacturer of roof windows and their accessories, VELUX, and one of the leading producers of plasterboard, metal profiles, and construction materials in both Latvia and globally – KNAUF.

The conference is supported by: the Latvian Union of Architects.

For more information about the conference and ticket purchase, visit:

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