
RISEBA faculty member Ralfs Gaubšteins publishes a book. Congratulations!

RISEBA faculty member Ralfs Gaubšteins publishes a book. Congratulations!

Ralfs Gaubšteins’ first book is based on true events.

Eight years ago, a business deal took place in Italy, resulting in the loss of a large sum of money because the business transaction turned out to be a scheme and a façade. The money recovery process took six months, involving Italian detectives, investigators, and lawyers.
The author was arrested in Italy for crimes he did not commit, and within 72 hours, at the first court hearing, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

A modern “Bible” or a guidebook — about self-denial and acceptance; about losing values and rebuilding them anew; about selfless and unconditional love; about fighting demons and finding light when you are in the darkest recesses, not only physically but also in the mental depths of the mind. About the duality of life and its lack of set rules, while simultaneously adhering to strict unwritten laws. About fate being cruel and equally beautiful, unimaginably wondrous. About losing hope and finding a miracle; about accepting defeat and acknowledging mistakes when all you want to do is run away and avoid responsibility — about how life tests you first and only afterward provides the lessons to train and educate you. About setting aside your ego and discovering humility in front of any living form. About injustice and exaggeration — about the manipulations and corruption of the existing world; about society’s narrow-mindedness and the true face hidden behind beautiful masks. About what cannot be seen with the eyes but can only be felt with the heart. About what the infantile physical body desires and the experiences the soul has chosen to endure. About learning to love your family and close ones on a completely different level, but also experiencing the loss of dear people and feeling what it’s like when there is no one left to return home. About running faster than your guardian angel can fly, and about what it feels like when it is already too late.

A book that might change you and your perspective on your own life. A book that will help the fallen rise again, motivate the uncertain, and show light to those who are lost.
It is time to return to your essence! It has long been waiting for you, trying to reach out in countless ways. Stop and listen.

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