
Doctoral thesis defence

Interested individuals are invited to register for the online session
Doctoral thesis defence

Two doctoral thesis defences are planned for the end of 2023:

On November 24, 2023, at 12:00, in room 214 of the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, located at 3 Meža Street in Riga, an open session of the RISEBA Promotion Council will take place, where Richmond Baah will defend his doctoral thesis “Enablers of Impactful Corporate Decisions for Non-State Social Protection” to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Social Sciences.

On December 1, 2023, at 15:00, in room 214 of the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, located at 3 Meža Street in Riga, an open session of the RISEBA Promotion Council will take place, where Nellija Titova will defend her doctoral thesis “Impact assesment of intellectual capital on business performance” to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Social Sciences.

Interested individuals are invited to register for the online session by sending an email to [email protected] 

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